Decomissioning of webservice endpoint -

Puzzel will soon decommission the SOAP API endpoint at

Any customers still using this API must migrate to the new REST API described at The same functionality is available through the new API, but existing code must be rewritten as the syntax of the new API is different. There is a correlation between most methods in the two API`s and it is also possible to test the new API online at

Customers using the new API can authenticate with the same credentials and privileges will be the same.

Paths to some commonly used methods are listed below.

Authenticating with the API

Authenticating has now been moved to a separate endpoint described here:

POST /api/authenticate/LogIn                   (Basic operation for logging on)

Queue information

GET /{customerKey}/visualqueues             (To get a list of existing queues)

GET /{customerKey}/visualqueues/…         (For other information about one or many queues)

User information

GET /{customerKey}/users                          (To get a list of existing users)

GET /{customerKey}/users/…                      (For other information about one or many users)

Adding a request (like an email) to queue

POST /{customerKey}/requests

Ordering a callout from the system

POST /{customerKey}/users/{userId}/callout

There are also many methods not referenced here. Please contact Puzzel support if you need help migrating to the new API.


Last updated