Release Notes September 27th 2022 - Exceptional PCM release

This article provides an overview of changes and additional features released on September 27th, 2022. The changes made in this release concern Puzzel Case Management only.

Puzzel Case Management

Most Recent Content Date/Time Placeholder

A new placeholder option has been added to the system which can be used in Templates or a Webhook Schema.  This will return a date/time value in UTC format for the most recent content added to the ticket timeline.  For further information relating to Placeholders, please visit the full Placeholder article on the help centre.

Additional status options when sending a reply or forward

Previously, when sending a reply or forward on a ticket which was in 'Pending' or 'On-Hold' status, it was not possible to send the message and keep the ticket in the same status.  We have now added additional options to Send a message while keeping the ticket in 'Pending' or 'On-Hold' status.

Auto Refresh of Jira ticket status when opening a linked PCM case

Previously, when opening a case in Puzzel Case Management which had a linked Jira ticket (using the Jira integration).  The status shown for the Jira ticket required a manual refresh of the widget to show the most recent status of the Jira ticket.  This will now happen automatically, meaning you will always see the most recent status of the Jira ticket displayed in the Puzzel Case Management ticket.

Bug Fixes & System Enhancements

  • Previously, when creating a new report from an existing report, certain elements from the report including 'breakdown' and 'filters' were not copied into the new report builder.  This has been resolved, meaning when using this feature for now on, the full previous report settings are carried across into your new report builder.
  • Fixed an issue where placeholder formatting validation was not correctly being applied to some Puzzel Case Management customers.
  • Previously when downloading all attachments from a ticket or customer export, where one or more of the file attachments had the same file name, only one of the files would be included in the zip archive.  Now if there are multiple files contained within the ticket with the same name, it will append the latest version number to the filename.  (ie, _1, _2 etc)


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