This article provides an overview of changes and additional features planned for a release on February 18th/19th, 2025.
The changes made in this release concern Puzzel Contact Centre, Puzzel Case Management and Workforce Management.
These release notes are preliminary and features in this document are merely planned features for the release, which is still in the process of being tested thoroughly. Puzzel reserves the right to postpone the launch of any feature described in this article.
Note that some of these features may require a customised set-up before they can be activated. In addition, some features may have a set-up and/or monthly cost element associated to it.
Puzzel Contact Centre
Admin Portal
The Admin Portal User interface has been refreshed with an updated colour scheme and typography to align with Puzzel’s new branding. This re-skin ensures a more cohesive and modern visual experience across the platform, enhancing consistency while maintaining familiar functionality. Users will notice a refreshed look that reflects Puzzel’s evolving brand identity without impacting existing workflows.
Agent Application
Headset Integrations
The EPOS and Jabra headset integrations can now be enabled or disabled from the Agent Application. Sennheiser headsets are also recognized for the EPOS integration. The gradual rollout continues.
Telenor Search Source Attributes Configuration
Administrators are able to configure which Telenor attributes to be visible in:
The grid
Search result list
Contact details
This also includes setting the order of the columns/attributes.
Admins can find the additional configuration from: Admin » Widget » Widget Configuration » Telenor One X
Fixed an issue where clicking Copy under call details causes a line break.
Puzzel Case Management (deployed 19th Feb 2025)
Outbound Authentications
We have extended available authentication types and refactored how Outbound Authentication methods are setup when configuring Outbound Integrations. For more information, please see the revised documentation for Outbound Integrations
File Attachment Previewing
Introduced a new feature, allowing previewing of file attachments in the application before deciding to download to a local machine. The supported file types are: TXT, RTF, PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIF, and SVG. Any other file types will be downloaded to the users local machine as they cannot be previewed in the application.
API functionality for Customer and Organisation record management
Introduced new RestAPI functionality to allow the ability to create, read, update and delete customer and organisations records, including 'custom fields'. Updated documentation to support this feature can be found under: Help -> API Documentation within the Puzzel Case Management application.
Puzzel Workforce Management
Reforecasting & Forecast Appraisal
You will now see the Actual CV & AHT with each forecast, to help you understand whether your current forecast is still appropriate.
You can still view this alongside your forecast reference week data to assess how far removed the current week is from previous situations.
This could aid you in modifying your forecast for the rest of the week to take account of recent data, so you can assess what impact this may have on your projected service levels.
For previous weeks, this can help you assess how accurate your forecast was.
If you want to compare your forecast instances to see how your volume & handling time predictions have changed over time, there is now an Export All Instances item on the File menu.
Bugs & Improvements
- Dark Mode colour fixes
- Activity Calendar - Deleting multiple activities doesn't delete all the expected activities
- Unsocial Hours report produces totals for AgentNid and Salary Code columns
- Overtime Report produces a total for the Agent Nid column
- Light/dark mode inconsistency of overtime without a shift
- Can't add Holiday when agent has had a schedule, but then it has been deleted
- Activity Calendar - Page not refreshed correctly after adding multi-day, multi-agent activity