Release Notes Puzzel AI Hub, February 25th/26th, March 11/3 2025

This article provides an overview of changes and additional features planned for a release on  February 25th/26th, and March 11/3  2025.

The changes made in this release concern Puzzel AI Hub

Key Highlights

Puzzel AI Hub UI Brand align

We have updated the visual experience of all Puzzel AI Hub products with the latest Puzzel color scheme and fonts, ensuring a more cohesive and modern user experience across the entire Puzzel product suite.

We note that this is an ongoing effort, and we will continue to improve the cohesion in the coming releases.

SupSearch Knowledge Gap Makeover

The Knowledge gap feature in SupSearch has received a makeover. Analysis is now based on a combination of clustering, heuristics, and LLM evaluation (if allowed) and will show a more human-readable digest of knowledge gaps.



Enhanced Puzzel ID Integration

Building on previous improvements, Puzzel ID authentication has been further refined to streamline access across AI Hub products. This includes introduction of default groups to make setup and assigning access rights faster.

Additional Native Language Support

Native language support for NLU and AI Search has been added for Finnish and Czech.

Additional product-specific release notes

More detailed release notes for each product can be found below in addition to the key highlights above which are not included in the product-by-product notes.

Bot Suite

New features

  • Queue Dropdowns in Activities: When using the activities for get queue size, get online agents, transfer to department, and more, there is now a dropdown for Puzzel, Zendesk, and SupChat with the availabel queues/departments.
    This is the first step in our efforts to reduce dependency on BotScript and make it easier for Bot Builders to use this kind of functionality.
  • XLS Upload in GenAI Evaluation: Bot builders can now upload XLS files directly into GenAI Evaluation in BotStudio to import multiple questions and automatically generate tests.
  • Quick Selector for Common Nodes: A new UX improvement lets users quickly add commonly used nodes to bot workflows.
  • PCM Mailbot Form and Category Support: Added support for setting categories and forms for PCM Mailbots
  • BotScript for IDNA encoding: We have introduced BotScript functions to_idna_encoding and from_idna_encoding to allow bot builders to work with domains requiring idna encoding.


  • Improved Platform Selector: Improved the look-n-feel of the platform configuration for a bot and changed the configuration so it’s only possible to select 1 platform for simplicity.
  • GenAI Evaluation Enhancement in Demo Panel: The demo panel will now 1) display more detailed reasons if no reply was generated, and 2) show GenAI guard scores, etc. In a popup If clicking on the “Add to Generative AI Tests”-button.
  • GenAI Reply Search with metadata: The generate reply activity now supports specifying metadata for the AI Search such as tags, to use with filters or custom rules of the search engine, making the context for AI-generated responses even more relevant.
  • BotAdmin SSO Configuration Relocation: SSO settings have been moved to the user management page for easier access.
  • Ctrl-click node button restored: When ctrl-clicking on a button representing a bot node, the bot node edit page will be loaded in a new tab in your browser.
  • Bot Upload Validation: Uploading a bot will now fail if it references missing classifiers, preventing errors in deployment.
  • GenAI Anonymization Indicator: Added a clear indicator that Entity recognition must be setup when using the feature to anonymize data when using GenAI
  • External Ids in Log Excel Exports: Added external_ids to the excel export of conversation logs (when present)
  • Date Picker Formatting Improved: Changed back the formatting of the date picker(s) to follow European standards (Mon-Sun and dd/mm/yyyy).
  • TOPdesk Mailbot Error Propagation: Errors from TOPdesk caused by a TOPdesk mailbot are now properly propagated to the Conversation Logs page for bot builders to address.
  • Mailbot Mail / Note Indicator: Added an indicator to show if a response sent by a mailbot was sent as an actual reply or a hidden note.
  • Expanded Currency Options: Additional currency options available for KPI calculations in statistics.

Bug fixes

  • Puzzel Voicebot Voice Configuration Fixes: We have fixed a bug where configuring the voice for a Puzzel Voicebot (through PCH) would not properly take effect. The voicebot will now prefer the voice configured in BotStudio and if that voice is not supported or if live translation is enabled, it will use the voice configured in BotAdmin.
  • Mailbot now correctly displays anonymized entities in conversation logs.
  • Fixed a bug where GenAI Evaluation would show items for non-reply activities such as GenAI Extraction or Classification.
  • Resolved an issue where passwords were visible in the BotAdmin "Create User" modal.
  • Addressed issues related to bot uploads with GenAI Conversation Tests.
  • BotAdmin configuration will no longer anonymize the Client ID setting making it less difficult to troubleshoot configuration issues or secret expiration.
  • Fixed a bug where sending DTMF tones with a Puzzel Voicebot would not work as intended
  • Fixed a bug where the Bot Studio diagnostics page would show the following error: “TypeError: compile() arg 1 must be a string, bytes or AST object”.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a user in BotAdmin would require a page refresh to show up.
  • Various small fixes to the Data Exploration module
  • Fixed a bug where some configuration pages would show “unsaved changes” warning even if no unsaves changes had been made.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Search Automatically” functionality did not work for the GenAI Classification activity.
  • Fixed a bug where custom anonymization with special characters would break.
  • Fixed a bug where PCM Mailbot would not get proper ticket status.


New features

  • Expanded Statistics for Standalone Search Engines: More in-depth insights for analyzing search engine performance including Click-Through Rate (CTR), most clicked articles, and % searches without results.


  • Unified Training page: The Queries and Feedback pages have been merged into a unified “Training page”.
  • Auto Suggestions Behaviour in Search Widget: Added a configuration to enable whether clicking on type-ahead suggestion in the search widget will open that article or perform a search with the given query.
  • Search Widget Snippet Configuration: Added a configuration to switch the article snippet shown in the search widget between the article summary or the first paragraph.
  • Training Page Search Field Auto-Focus: Clicking an article on the training page will now move focus to the search field automatically as a more intuitive behaviour.
  • TOPdesk Folder Structure Import: Article import from TOPdesk now annotates if an imported article corresponds to a folder or an actual article.
  • Puzzel Knowledge Base Folder Filtering: It is now possible to filter based on folder in the search engine config for Puzzel KB data in addition to the existing filters for category, section, etc.
  • GPT Reply Hide/Show All: Added an option to hide or show all GPT-generated replies on the training page.
  • Date and Article Filtering in Queries: Users can now filter search queries on the training page based on dates and/or articles.
  • Scraper Error Messages: Errors occuring while scraping based on a scraper configuration will now be displayed in the SupSearch frontend, allowing users to more easily fix a broken scraper configuration.
  • Expanded Currency Options: Additional currency options available for KPI calculations in statistics.
  • Auto-generate Questions on Import: If enabled, GenAI questions will automatically be generated when synchronizing new articles to ensure consistent data foundation.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where searching for an exact text match did not always find the matching article.
  • Fixed a bug where the disabled checkbox on articles did not work as expected.
  • Fixed a bug where raw data was not imported for ServiceNow article import.
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to edit questions while question generation was running.


New features

  • Manager Page Visibility Control: Managers can now toggle visibility of menu items such as incoming/ongoing chats to e.g. avoid picking up chats by accident.


  • Agent Statistics Export: Added an export button with custom date-time range for the Agent Statistics section for managers.

Bug fixes

  • Agent Status Refresh Issue: Fixed an issue where agent status updates were not refreshing as expected.
  • SSO Admin Configuration Fix: Resolved a bug where very old admin users configured with SSO were unable to log in.
  • Unsaved Changes Modal: The unsaved changes warning now correctly appears when leaving configuration pages.

Ticket Analyzer

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where it was some times not possible to stage newly trained models.
  • Fixed a bug with bad handling of HTTP 404 responses when importing deep linked data.
  • Misc fixes and security updates.

Final Notes

The Puzzel AI Hub 2025.1 release introduces important UI enhancements, improved AI functionalities, and critical bug fixes to improve the overall user experience. As always, we appreciate your feedback and look forward to bringing you even more innovations in future releases.

For further details, please reach out to your customer success manager or consult the Puzzel AI Hub documentation.


Last updated