Release notes for Raw data v2.4, October 2024

This article provides an overview of changes and additional features in the release of the new version of Puzzel Raw data

Puzzel plans to upgrade all customers' Raw data SQL databases to the new version during week 40 (September 30th - October 4th, 2024). 

We expect only a few minutes down-time per customer, and the new version is backwards compatible.

The new Raw data version ( includes:

  • Puzzel Contact Centre (new columns due to upcoming option to configure Multi-level Enquiry registration) 
    • 1 new column (parent_category_id) in table enqreg_category 
    • 2 new columns (parsed_category_name and parsed_category_id) in view vw_enqreg_total
  • Puzzel Case Management (new tables related to showing Sender/Recipient on message level) 
    • new table with name cm_content_apis
    • new table with name cm_content_emails
    • new table with name cm_team_memberships


If, during week 40, you would like to confirm whether your database is updated or not, you can look for the new enqreg columns (or new cm tables if relevant), or use this statement to see the db version:
   select  convert(varchar(255), value) from ::fn_listextendedproperty('DBVERSION', null, null, null, null, null, null)


The relevant articles on in the PCC Raw data section and PCM Raw data section will be updated after the release 


Last updated