Release Notes, January 27th/February 4th, 2025

This article provides an overview of changes and additional features planned for a release on January 27th (for customers in the Puzzel Oslo Data Centre and February 4th 2025 for all other customers)

The changes made in this release concern Puzzel Case Management. 

Note that some of these features may require a customised set-up before they can be activated. In addition, some features may have a set-up and/or monthly cost element associated to it.

Puzzel Case Management

New Features

  1. Exclude Users from Re-Allocation Ability to exclude a user from being re-allocated a ticket via the Puzzel Contact Centre allocation engine. More Information
  2. API Channel Settings Templates Introduced a scalable way to configure and edit numerous API channel settings using Templates. More Information
  3. Dynamic Placeholders can now be inserted directly into email or API channel messages & signatures. More Information
  4. Updated the Beta 'Enhanced Ticket Handling' feature within Puzzel Contact Centre to support forced allocation when an agent cherry picks a case already assigned to them.
  5. Easy Ticket Preview Added a new feature to preview ticket content and attributes by hovering over tickets. Enable this in Settings -> General -> Account Settings.
  6. Sequential Rule Processing Enhancements Improvements made to Sequential Rule Processing. More Information
  7. Improved Off Work Handling Updated the "Off Work Until Next Login" setting to prevent tickets from being assigned to users marked as off work via automated productivity rules.
  8. When sending an outbound email message containing:

    - - - Please reply above this line - - -

    When a reply (inbound message is received into the system, only the information written above this line will be displayed on the timeline.  This ensures only the essential information is displayed in the timeline to agents, and all of the quoted text is hidden from view.

    Note: The feature must be enabled on the (Settings -> General -> Account Settings) page under the beta features section, labelled: 'Email Message Separator' for the functionality to work.

    This feature will be improved in a future release by auto injecting the text into outbound emails, for now agents need to manually insert the text or insert a template containing the text into the message editor.

  9. Refresh Button on Ticket Index Page Added a refresh button to the Tickets Index page for quick table updates without refreshing the entire page.

Bug Fixes

  1. Template Line Breaks in Plain Text API Channels Fixed line break issues when inserting templates into Plain Text API Channel messages.
  2. Rule Execution Issue Resolved an issue where multiple rules targeting different fields were not being executed properly.
  3. Report Generation Failures Fixed intermittent report generation failures caused by replica database latency.
  4. Templates with Attachments in API Channels Fixed an issue preventing templates containing file attachments from being inserted into API Channel messages.


Last updated