Release Notes, October 15th/16th 2024

This article provides an overview of changes and additional features included in the planned release window of October 15th/16th, 2024.

The changes made in this release concern Puzzel Contact Centre and Puzzel Workforce Management.

Note that some of these features may require a customised set-up before they can be activated. In addition, some features may have a set-up and/or monthly cost element associated to it.

Puzzel Contact Centre

Admin Portal

Multi-level Enquiry Registration [Phased Rollout]

Today's Enquiry Registration is single-level, but from now on, admins can configure Enquiry Registration with a tree structure with up to 5 levels. With multiple levels of items in a Category, your agents can drill down in the tree to find the relevant topic(s) to select.

In Admin Portal we will replace today's page Users - Enquiry Registration with a new page. Here is the new User guide article for Enquiry Registration (New) 

When you get access to the new page in Admin Portal, it will show all your existing Categories and topics, and here you can add new categories with multiple levels. 

Agents will receive a new enquiry registration form (with relevant Categories) each time they accept a new request in the Agent application (if configured). The order of the Categories and Topics will be as set in Admin Portal.

This set of functionality will gradually be released to customers over the following weeks. It is normal if you don't see the updated Enquiry Registration page in Admin Portal the first 2 weeks. 
Admin Portal's Archive - New Player [Phased Rollout]

When you click the Play button for a call recording in the Archive's result list, we open a simple Player. We are now launching a new Advanced Player as an alternative. In this new Player we visualize the call, and you can add tags to the call if you like. We will allow each user to choose between using the old, simple Player or the new Advanced Player. 

User guide: New Call recording Player  

 This new Player will gradually be released to customers over the following weeks. 

When you see the Use Advanced Player tickbox at the top of the Archive - Search page, you can tick it, and if done and you then click a Play button, the new Player will be used.

Dashboard - transfer ownership for Company Dashboard

If one of your Admin Portal users have created a nice Company Dashboard that several users see, and this user (the owner) no longer wants to maintain this Dashboard or if this person has left the company, you have been able to allow others to edit a company Dashboard. Now we have a better solution! From now on we allow users with the Administration property 'Edit other users' public Dashboards' ON to change the ownership of a Company Dashboard to a new user. More details to come in the user guide article

Agent Application

Upcoming scheduled task

Agents now have the ability to see the time remaining until a task is due directly within the new Reminder tab. This update enhances task visibility and provides agents with better control over their schedules.



  • Call recordings summary: Updated to handle a wider range of character encodings, including non-ISO-8859 formats. This ensures proper text rendering and accurate data processing for all character sets.

  • UI enhancements for Enquiry Registration


Puzzel Workforce Management

Improvements & Fixes
  • Performance of populating the colours in the activity request date picker improved
  • Allow Planners to change a request's activity before approval
  • Adherence preview - Some periods show as in tolerance when they should be in adherence
  • Approving holiday request day gives an error 500
  • Some agents can't request shift swaps



Last updated