Release Notes, August 6th/7th 2024

This article provides an overview of changes and additional features included in the planned release window of August 6th and 7th, 2024.

The changes made in this release concern Puzzel Contact Centre, Puzzel Case Management and Puzzel Workforce Management.

Note that some of these features may require a customised set-up before they can be activated. In addition, some features may have a set-up and/or monthly cost element associated to it.

Puzzel Contact Centre

Agent application

  1. A new section in the “Settings” widget in Puzzel Agent Application
    • Settings → Devices
    • The PAA will now use the Default Communications Device in Windows, as a first choice. (Previously it was choosing the Default Device).
      • When available devices on your computer changes, the list of devices are updated
    • Agents can now Select and Save their preferred Input device
      • When the list of devices change, the Agent-selected device is checked for, and if not found, the Default Communication device is used. Fallbacks, in order after that: “Default Device”, first device in list;
      • (Used for Softphone conversations)
    • Agents can now Select the Primary Output device
      • (Used for Softphone calls (NOT Ringer and Notifications))
    • The “Sound quality test” section is now repositioned under the new Devices section
      • Agents have a more easily visible way to test their devices by clicking the “Start” button next to the “Check the quality of your sound in a simulated call” section
    • A new button that allows Agents to easily navigate to Windows Sound Settings
      • Clicking the “Open Windows Sound Settings” button leads outside of the Agent application and to the Windows Sound Settings screen (which differs based on the Agent’s version of Windows)
    • Alert on mic change
      • An info alert with text “Microphone changed to {{device}}.“ Is displayed when Mic change is detected
      • With a link “Open Device Settings“ that will close the alert and open the Device settings when clicked
    • Agents can now easily see which mic is used for Softphone
      • Hover over the Mute button to see which microphone device is currently in use
    • NB! This set of functionality will gradually be released to customers over the following weeks. It is normal if you don't see the updated Devices section immediately. Please get in touch if you'd like to ensure expedited access to this functionality set.
  2. Bugfix connected to transferring to a personal queue via the Switchboard widget


Admin Portal new features

Overview of all users’ Silent monitoring requests

A user with access to page Services – Silent monitoring can order Silent monitoring on an agent (x calls until hh:mm) with herself or another user as the listener. 

If some users should be able to see an overview of all other users’ existing Silent monitoring requests (to monitor the usage of Silent monitoring), a main admin with access to page Users – Access control – Administration can now turn on the new property 'Show Silent monitoring overview list' for the selected user(s).

A user that has this new property turned on will see a new accordion titled “All users’ current Silent monitoring requests” on page Services - Silent monitoring.

PS We are also showing in Archive if a call was silently monitored (who ordered and who listened), and Raw data contains data about silent monitoring.

SMS sent from agent application linked to a call now shown in Archive

If an agent is sending an SMS or an email from the Puzzel agent application (e.g. the Contact tab or the Call tab), we generate a Raw data record for this SMS/Email sent. If this SMS/email is sent from the Call tab (to the caller), the Raw data record will contain the id for the related call. Such SMS/Emails with a related call will from now on appear in the Archive for the relevant call, in a new tab titled “Message sent”.   

If one incoming call contains more than 1 recording (due to call transfer), the Play button contains a “+”. Today, when you click on such a Play+ button, we start playing the first recording in the call, which might not be the one you want to listen to. From now on when you click a Play+ button, we expand this call (row in the result list) and show you the recordings in this call so that you can select to play the recording you want.

Puzzel Case Management - (Phased rollout)

Enhanced Search Functionality on Tickets Index Page and via the API

This enhancement will support existing search fields and improve the user experience by providing a user-friendly interface for constructing complex (multiple) search queries at once.

For updated API documentation relating to complex search queries, please visit Help -> API Documentation from the Puzzel Case Management application.

Expansion of Conditions in 'Inbound Productivity Rules' and 'Event Rules'

There is a need for more granular control over the conditions for both 'Inbound Productivity Rules' and 'Event Rules'. This enhancement will enable more precise rule configuration and improve the overall efficiency of rule processing. Specifically designed to augment the upcoming 'Sequential Rule Processing' feature, this enhancement allows actions set up in Rule 1 to be referenced as conditions in Rule 2, and so forth. While 'Sequential Rule Processing' is not yet operational until its release next month, having the additional rule conditions available now allows you to design new rulesets in advance. This preparation ensures they can be applied immediately on day one of the new feature's release.

Inbound Productivity Rule Conditions:

Addition of conditions with options (is equal to/is not equal to) for:

  • Team
  • User
  • Priority
  • Category
  • Status
  • Form
  • Form Field
  • Tag

Event Rule Conditions:

Addition of conditions with options (is equal to/is not equal to/contains/does not contain/begins with/ends with/is any of/contains any of) for:

  • Channel
  • Subject

For more information on configuring rules please see help articles:

Inbound Productivity Rules
Event Rules

Enhanced Inline Image Handling in Outbound Emails

We're excited to announce a new update to our inline image handling in outbound emails. This change enhances efficiency and reliability by embedding inline images as BASE64 encoded attachments within the email body, reducing reliance on external storage.

Key Features:

BASE64 Encoding: Inline images are now encoded as BASE64 attachments for seamless integration in outbound emails.

Email Client Compatibility: Ensures BASE64 encoded images render correctly across various email clients and systems.

Updated Email Generation: Outbound emails now include properly embedded BASE64 encoded inline images.


Reduced External Storage Dependency: email recipients are no longer reliant on downloading images from Puzzel's external storage.  This can be problematic for corporate organisations limiting collection of images from external URL's due to firewall constraints.

Smooth Transition: Minimal operational disruption during the transition to the new approach.

Important Note:

Customers should be cautious when including very large inline images to ensure the total email size does not exceed 40MB. Emails greater than 40MB will result in a failed delivery, and the ticket will go into 'ERROR' status.

Enhanced Inline Image Handling via Webhooks and API

We have improved the handling of inline images within ticket content when sending via Webhooks or accessing via the API.

Key Enhancements:

  • Webhook Event Rule: Admin users can now set up event rules to send a webhook with 'message content'. If this content includes inline images, the webhook will provide direct links to their storage locations, enabling remote systems to retrieve and archive these images effortlessly.
  • TicketView API Endpoint: Authenticated API users can now view ticket content, including inline images. When fetching content via the TicketView or MessageShow API, links to the storage locations of inline images will be provided, ensuring easy retrieval and archiving.

Text and HTML versions of messages via the API

This update enhances the API endpoints for both 'Ticket Show' and 'Message Show' functionalities within the Puzzel Case Management system.

Key Features:

Enhanced 'Ticket Show' Endpoint:

  • Includes HTML and TEXT versions of email messages associated with tickets.
  • Provides links to externally hosted images within email contents.
  • Updated documentation detailing the new API response structure.

Enhanced 'Message Show' Endpoint:

  • Incorporates HTML and TEXT versions of individual email messages.
  • Ensures retrieval of email contents, including links to externally hosted images.
  • These enhancements enable users to access both HTML and TEXT versions of email messages and include links to externally hosted images in the API responses.

System Enhancements & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when sending an outbound 'Plain Text' message via a secure API ticket channel where the output content contained HTML encoding.  When a plain text editor is configured for outbound replies/forwards, the output will now be in plain text format.
Please note this Puzzel Case Management release is a phased roll out, with an aim of completion for all customers in August 2024.

Puzzel Workforce Management

Auto Forecasting now available from the Schedule Calendar page

Auto Forecasting is now available on the Schedule Calendar page, simplifying scheduling when there isn't already a forecast created for it.

A button allows users to create an auto forecast for any week that doesn’t yet have a forecast.
If you run a schedule for a week without a forecast yet, we’ll create an auto forecast for you before scheduling.

For more information, please read the Auto Forecasting user guides here.

Bugs & Improvements
  • Schedule Overview tooltip now has a scrollbar, so you will always be able to see all scheduled activities
  • Multi-Edit Agents - changes to current skillsets didn’t refresh on the agent list immediately
  • Queue configuration page didn’t show all aliases
  • Duplicate shift assignments under a holiday when agents have a flexible shift pattern
  • No Actuals were displayed on Adherence Now! (preview)
  • Couldn’t see all roles assigned to an agent
  • Auto Forecast had reference weeks for phone queues only


Last updated