General setup alternatives

There are two ways of configuring web chat, purely on the web sites, or partly on the web sites and partly in the administration portal. You can choose to only use one of them, or a combination of the two. In any case the basic part of the config must be added to the web sites, but the placement of the chat parameters can vary. Chat parameters are settings used to configure the different chat functionalities.

Setting up chat parameters on your web sites

Setting up chat on the web sites requires that you configure both the basic part and the chat parameters on each web site supporting web chat. This document will guide you through this configuration.

Setting up chat parameters using Chat Admin

With Chat Admin, you must still configure the basic part on the web sites, but you can define the chat parameters in the administration portal. You can choose to have some chat parameters on the web sites and some in the administration portal.

This enables contact centre administrators to manage the web sites chat parameters without the need to contact their web developer/publisher, when first configured correctly.

Chat Admin is found under “Services -> Chat” in the administration portal. See our administration portal user guide for more details around defining and setting up a chat configuration. When setting up your chat configuration from the admin portal there are two mandatory parameters you still must set up on your chat web page(s):

  • Your Puzzel customer ID (customerKey).

An example of the syntax is:

customerKey: '123456'

  • A Chat Admin configuration GUID. For every chat configuration you define in Chat Admin, a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is created. This configuration ID is essential in order to link the page to the configuration.

An example of the syntax is:

configurationId: '8557fba7-8587-45b0-95e1-23b36b76bcad'

Once these parameters are in place, the page will point to the relevant admin configuration and fetch the chat properties defined there.

A configuration can be defined with a parent configuration, making it a child configuration. This is useful if you want to have a main (parent) configuration used for all or most web pages, but a child configuration with one or more deviating parameters, only used for some of the web pages.

  • If a parameter is defined both on a web page and in the admin configuration, the parameter on the web page is used.
  • If a parameter is neither defined on a web page nor the admin configuration, the parameters default value is used.
  • If a parameter is defined in both a parent and child admin configuration, the parameter in the child configuration is used.


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