
Table name: surveys

Contains/Role: When surveys are made after a call (SMS Survey) or after a chat, and on other platforms, the survey results are stored here.

Please note that Survey records without a related_call_id/related_iq_session_id will only appear here if configured by Puzzel that they should be included. 

See more details about different types of surveys here

Column NameDatatypeDescription


Primary key.

Internal, auto-numbered. A unique id for each record.
internal_session_iduniqueidentifierFor internal use, for “connection” back to Puzzel’s internal system.
customer_keyvarchar (100)The customer key (number) for the “owner” of the survey
country_codevarchar (10)Mostly for internal use. Indicates the country for the database (internally) where the survey record is fetched from. International standard for country codes is used (for example ‘NO’ for Norway, ‘SE’ for Sweden, and so on).
related_iq_session_iduniqueidentifierThe internal_iq_session_id for the call (request) the survey results refers to. Primarily for internal use.
related_call_idnumeric(19,0)The call_id for the call (request) the survey results refers to.
survey_typevarchar(10)Typical values appearing here for the legacy Surveys are SMS and CHAT.
Typical values appearing for the new Insight survey are Email, Phone and Web (and unknown). This might be changed in the future
sequenceintA survey may consist of multiple steps, i.e. questions back and forth between the customer (caller) and “us”. Sequence indicates the order of them. Starting with value 1.
dte_timedatetimeWhen this survey record was sent/received.
destinationnvarchar(500)To whom (i.e. the “address”) we asked for the survey. For SMS surveys this will be the phone number. For chat survey, we usually get the chatter’s name.
agent_idintThe agent who was involved in the call which the survey is about.
queue_keynvarchar(100)The queue that was involved in the call which the survey is about.
fertiletinyintUsually 0 or 1, but this field is no longer used in a structured way for the different surveys.
Insight survey records will usually have fertile = 0.
questionnvarchar(MAX)The question sent to the caller/chatter/customer.
scorenvarchar(100)The score reported back from the caller/chatter/customer
max_scorenvarchar(100)The maximum value possible to give as score.
min_scorenvarchar(100)The defined minimum value for score.
commentnvarchar(MAX)The caller/chatter/customer might report back a text comment (in addition to the score). If so, it’s stored here.
dte_updateddatetimeA timestamp indicating when this record is stored/last updated in this database.
element_type*nvarchar(100)Customer Insight survey records might have one of these values:
ci_session_iduniqueidentifierAll records (sequence 1-N) for 1 Customer Insight Survey will have the same value here.
element_idintThe Insight Survey record representing a question and the record representing the answer have the same element_id


nvarchar(50)The name of the Customer Insight Survey
survey_id*uniqueidentifierThe id of the Customer Insight Survey
related_ticket_id*nvarchar(50)If this survey is related to a Puzzel Case Management Ticket, the ticket id might appear here. 

* Available from db v2.4.1.0


Last updated
