SMS log search for end-customers

The following article is only relevant to our customers in Norway, and mostly relevant to our customers' customers.

What kind of SMS service have I been charged for on my mobile bill?

This is a common question asked by mobile users when they receive their mobile invoice.

It is not always easy to remember all of your mobile use, and your invoice will only tell you about payment for goods and services provided by Puzzel.

To find the answer to the question, visit our site and check your SMS log for Puzzel services.

Enter your mobile number and receive a code to verify that you are you.

SMS log search shows your SMS log for the last 3 months. The log contains the date and time for the SMS, the shortcode the SMS was sent from, the name of the service, and the amount you were charged. We also recommend that you check your phone's SMS log, where you can see the SMS sent from your mobile to the services listed in the log search.


Last updated
