Chat Survey

The chat solution can be set up with a survey feature. If activated, the chatter is given the option to rate the chat after having ended the session. The rating can be made in stars or radio buttons. Stars are most common to use in a simple and standard survey, while radio buttons are most relevant for use in surveys based on the NPS (Net Promoter Score) standard.

In addition to enabling survey on the web pages, you must enable it in the Administration Portal. The setting in the Administration Portal has precedence, so you can turn survey off there even if it is activated on the pages.

  • enableSurvey – Function to turn survey on or off for a chat. Default false
  • msgSurveyHeader – Text shown as a header on the survey page. Default “One more thing…”
  • msgSurveyQuestion – Text shown as the question on the survey page. Default “Please help us improve our service by rating this chat.”
  • surveyMinScore – The minimum score that it’s possible to give in the survey. This value is usually 1 when rating with stars, and 0 when rating with radiobuttons and NPS.
  • surveyMaxScore – The maximum score that it’s possible to give in the survey. This value is usually 5 when rating with stars and 10 when rating with radiobuttons and NPS.
  • surveyType – If the survey is based on rating with stars or radiobuttons
  • surveyOnlyWhenConnected - If the survey is offered only to chatters who has been in a conversation, or also those who hang up while waiting in queue


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