Report Builder Columns

Do you want to build a report based on User, Team, Channel, Priority, Tag, Category, Customer, Customer Domain, Form and Form Fields?

Below are the details & definitions of each available column in the Report Builder for these reporting types.

Ticket Counts

  • New Tickets – The number of new Tickets created during the selected time period
  • New Manual Tickets – The number of new Tickets created manually (excluding Child Tickets) during the selected time period
  • New Child Tickets -- The number of new Child Tickets created during the selected time period
  • New Inbound Tickets – The number of new Tickets created from received messages during time period
    • Changed To – Number of Tickets assigned to User/Team/Status etc.
    • Changed From – Number of Tickets re-assigned from User/Team/Status etc. This excludes the ticket assignment.
  • Tickets Resolved – The Number of Tickets Resolved during the selected time period.
  • Tickets Resolved Without Response – The Number of Tickets Resolved during the selected time period without sending an Outbound response. This includes Tickets that have been Resolved, re-opened and then Resolved again without Reply.
  • Tickets Closed – The Number of Tickets Closed during the selected time period.
  • Tickets at Start of Period – The total number of tickets already assigned at the start of the selected time period.
  • Reopens – The number of Resolved Tickets that have been re-Opened during the selected time period.
  • Tickets at End of Period – The total number of tickets assigned at the end of the selected time period.
  • Choice Added – (When reporting on Categories only) Number of Category choices added during the selected time period.
  • Choice Removed – (When reporting on Categories only) Number of Category choices removed during the selected time period.

Ticket Activities

  • Messages Received – Total number of inbound messages received during the selected time period.
  • All Outbound Activity – Total number of messages sent from Puzzel Ticketing during the selected time period including Replies, Forwards, Auto Replies, Automated Follow-Up messages and System Notifications.
  • Replies Sent – A tally of singular replies sent for each received inbound message, where only one reply per inbound message is accounted for.
  • Forwards Sent – The number of Forwards sent from Puzzel Ticketing during the selected time period.
  • Notes Added – The number of internal Notes added in a Ticket Timeline during the selected time period.

Response Stats

  • Avg. Response Time – The average time taken to respond to a received message during the selected time period. (non-working hours deducted from the calculation)
  • Max. Response Time – The single longest time taken to respond to an received message during the selected time period. (non-working hours deducted from the calculation)
  • Response SLA % – The percentage of responses that have been sent within the set Response target.
  • Avg. First Response Time – The average time taken to respond to the first message received for a ticket. (non-working hours deducted from the calculation)
  • Max. First Response Time – The longest time taken to respond to the first message received for a single ticket. (non-working hours deducted from the calculation)
  • First Response SLA % – The percentage of first responses that have been sent within the set Response target.

Resolve Stats

  • FCR % – The percentage of tickets that were Resolved by sending a single outbound response. (Tickets flagged as achieving FCR will be retrospectively updated if the ticket Status is resolved for a 2nd time or greater)
  • Avg. Resolve Time – The average time taken to Resolve tickets during the selected time period. (non-working hours deducted from the calculation)
  • Max. Resolve Time – The single longest time taken to Resolve tickets during the selected time period. (non-working hours deducted from the calculation)
  • Resolve SLA % – The percentage of tickets during the the reporting time period that have been Resolved within the set Resolve target.
  • Resolves – The Number of accumulated Ticket Resolves during the selected time period, not the number of individual Tickets that have been Resolved.

How is "Avg. Resolve time" calculated in Puzzel Case Management?

  1. Basics: Whenever a ticket is resolved, the system keeps track of the time it took to do so. It doesn't just look at the first time the ticket was resolved or the last time; instead, it considers every resolution action on that ticket.
  2. Where the Info is Stored:
    • Every time a ticket is resolved, a time value is saved in a place (or a "field") called "resolve_time". This is stored in a database table named “reporting_ticket_resolves”.
  3. How do we get the “resolve_time”?:
    • To calculate this "resolve_time", the system looks at all previous actions (or "states") the ticket went through where it was still open. For each of these open states, the system considers how long the ticket stayed in that state. This duration is termed as "time_in_state".
    • If it’s the first time the ticket is being resolved, it simply adds up the time from all the open states.
  4. Deep Dive into “time_in_state”:
    • "time_in_state" represents the duration between each recorded action or state for a ticket. For instance, if a ticket was created at 1 PM and then updated at 3 PM, the "time_in_state" for that period would be 2 hours.
  5. Getting the Average:
    • To get the average resolution time, when running a report, the system sums up all these "resolve_time" values. Any specific filters or targets can be applied to get specific averages, like "Average resolve time for a particular month" or "Average resolve time by a particular agent".

Would you like to drill down into individual Ticket Performance?

Below are the details & definitions of each available column in the 'Ticket Performance Report' Builder.

  • Parent Ticket -- Displays the ticket number of associated Parent Ticket
  • Child Tickets -- Displays the ticket number(s) of associated Child Ticket(s)
  • Channel – Email channel assigned to the ticket
  • Subject – Subject of the ticket
  • Team – Team assigned to the ticket
  • Assigned To – User assigned to the ticket
  • Priority – Priority of the ticket
  • Tags – Tags assigned to the ticket
  • Ticket Age – Number of days since ticket creation
  • Number of times reassigned – Count of times the ticket has been reassigned
  • Users Responsible – All users who have owned the ticket since creation
  • Messages Received – Number of inbound messages (all channel types) received in the ticket
  • Latest Message Date – Latest inbound message in the ticket date / timestamp
  • Messages Sent – Number of messages sent by an agent in the ticket
  • First Reply Date – First reply date/time in the ticket
  • Last Reply Date – Last reply date/time in the ticket
  • Total Reply Time – Time in minutes between inbound message and a reply (calculated using working hours schedule and does not include auto replies or forwards).  If the ticket is re-opened by another inbound message, The report will show a cumulative total between the inbound messages and replies.
  • Total Resolution Time – Time in minutes between the ticket being opened and it's final resolve time (calculated using working hours schedule).  
  • Resolved within SLA – Shows Yes/No to determine if the ticket ever breached is response or resolve SLA's
  • Templates Used – List of any templates used within the ticket
  • Categories – Any categories with values populated used in the ticket
  • Post-It Note – Post-It Note value for the ticket
  • Customer Email Address – Customer Email Address for the ticket
  • Organisation – Organisation associated with the ticket
  • Organisation Custom Attributes –  Any custom attributes recorded against the organisation.
  • Status – Ticket Status
  • Creation Date and Time – Ticket Creation Date/Time
  • First User Assigned Date and Time – Date and Time stamp of first user assignment
  • First Resolved Date and Time – Date and Time stamp of ticket first resolve
  • Last Resolved Date and Time – Date and Time stamp of ticket last resolve
  • Form - Form associated with the ticket
  • Form Fields - Form field values associated with the ticket

Do you want to build a report based on Ticket Status?

Below are the details & definitions of each available column in the 'Status Report' Builder.

Ticket Counts

  • New Tickets – The number of new Tickets created during the selected time period
  • New Child Tickets -- The number of new Child Tickets created during the selected time period
  • New Inbound Tickets – The number of new Tickets created from received messages during time period
    • Status Changed To – Number of Tickets assigned to the Status.
    • Status Changed From – Number of Tickets re-assigned from the Status.
  • Tickets Resolved – The Number of Tickets Resolved during the selected time period.
  • Tickets Resolved Without Response – The Number of Tickets Resolved during the selected time period without sending an Outbound response. This includes Tickets that have been Resolved, re-opened and then Resolved again without Reply.
  • Tickets Closed – The Number of Tickets Closed during the selected time period.
  • Tickets at Start of Period – The total number of tickets already assigned at the start of the selected time period.
  • Tickets at End of Period – The total number of tickets assigned at the end of the selected time period.

Ticket Activities

  • All Outbound Activity – Total number of messages sent from Puzzel Ticketing during the selected time period including Replies, Forwards, Auto Replies, Automated Follow-Up messages and System Notifications.
  • Replies Sent – The number of messages sent in response to a ticket by an agent during the selected time period.
  • Forwards Sent – The number of Forwards sent from Puzzel Ticketing during the selected time period.
  • Notes Added – The number of internal Notes added in a Ticket Timeline during the selected time period.

Do you want oversight of how quickly your tickets are being resolved?

The 'SLA Analysis" report shows a breakdown of tickets resolved within a specific timeframe during the selected reporting time period.  The results are calculated from the ticket creation time.  Note:  The report end date should be set to at least 48 hours before the time the report is run otherwise the '< 24 Hours' column will not contain any results as not enough sufficient time will have elapsed.

SLA Analysis - Available Columns

  • < 24 Hours
  • 24 - 48 Hours
  • 48 - 72 Hours
  • 3-5 Days
  • Over 5 Days
  • Total Resolved Tickets

Do you want to report on Team Performance or User Performance?

Below are the details & definitions of each available column in the Team performance or User performance Report Builder.

Ticket Counts

  • Current Tickets Allocated – Total number of tickets currently allocated to a team or user.
  • Inbound - Total number of tickets created from an inbound interaction currently allocated to a team or user.
  • Manual - Total number of manual tickets created, currently allocated to a team or user.
  • Resolved (Overdue) - Total number of resolved tickets which were overdue their SLA at the time of resolving assigned to a team or user.
  • Resolved (on time) - Total number of resolved tickets which were completed within SLA at the time of resolving assigned to a team or user.
  • Unresolved (on time) - Total number of Unresolved tickets which are still within SLA assigned to a team or user.
  • Unresolved (Overdue) - Total number of Unresolved tickets which are overdue their SLA assigned to a team or user.

Ticket Activities

  • Messages Received – Total number of inbound messages received during the selected time period for tickets assigned to a team or user.
  • Messages Sent – Total number of outbound messages sent during the selected time period for tickets assigned to a team or user.

Response Stats

  • Avg. Response Time – The average time taken to respond to a received message during the selected time period for tickets assigned to a team or user.
  • Max. Response Time – The single longest time taken to respond to an received message during the selected time period for tickets assigned to a team or user.

Resolve Stats

  • Avg. Resolve Time – The average time taken to Resolve tickets during the selected time period.
  • Max. Resolve Time – The single longest time taken to Resolve tickets during the selected time period.
  • FCR % – The percentage of tickets that were Resolved on sending the first response.
  • Resolve SLA % – The percentage of tickets that have been Resolved within the set Resolve target.

Would you like to report on Login counts and Stats?

Below are the details & definitions of each available column in the Report Builder.

Login Counts

  • Number of Logins - Accumulated number of logins per user during the selected reporting period.
  • Number of Unique Logins (1 per user) - This will show if the user had logged in at any point during the reporting period.

Login Stats

  • Total Login Time – Accumulated amount of time that the user was logged into the Puzzel Case Management system during the reporting period.
  • Average Login Time - Average time logged into the system for each session during the reporting period.
This report is only accurate if the user manually logs out (otherwise it applies a default session length of 8 hours.)

Would you like to report on Scheduled Task SLA's?

Below are the details & definitions of each available column in the Task SLA Report Builder.

Task Resolve Stats

  • Task Resolved - Number of tasks resolved during the reporting period.
  • New Tasks - Number of new tasks created during the reporting period.
  • Task Avg. Resolved Time - Average time take to resolve a task from it's creation.
  • Task Max. Resolved Time - The single longest time taken to resolve a task from it's creation.
When exporting a report in XLS or CSV format, any columns depicting a specific length of time will appear in 'minutes'.


Last updated
