Click to call

Click to call is commonly implemented in CRM systems so that it is possible to just click on a contacts phone number to call out.

Auth sample Uri:

Replace customerkey, username and password with real values from your solution.

No Special headers are required for this webservice call.

This gives me a “200 OK” from the server and the following response JSON.

Sample Auth response:

"result": "csid!1000971DDF34BA8204CCAA8822BC2F6BF79A9",
	"code": 0

Code 0 means that the operation was successful and the content of “result” is the access token I need to pass when using other operations in the API.

Get user ID of current user:!1000905E6CAF7BF23483F85240018D60F9FB6
  "result": {
    "customerId": 11408,
    "userGroupId": 20989,
    "userId": 150805,
    "languageId": 1,
    "languageCode": "EN",
    "accessTokenExpiry": "/Date(1452109966580-0000)/"
  "code": 0

Check state of current user!1000905E6CAF7BF23483F85240018D60F9FB6&withQualities=false
  "result": {
    "currentProfileId": 285937,
    "contactCentreStatus": "LoggedOff",
    "userStatus": "Available",
    "pauseTypeId": 3037,
    "languageId": 1,
    "profiles": [
        "id": 212157,
        "number": 1,
        "lastPhoneNumber": "91916055",
        "phoneNumber": "91916055",
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "All Phone Queues",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38608,
                "name": "Phone",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15179,
            "number": 2,
            "description": "Skill",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38616,
                "name": "Sales",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38617,
                "name": "Support",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38618,
                "name": "Switchboard",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 212158,
        "number": 2,
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Phone Sales",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38608,
                "name": "Phone",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15179,
            "number": 2,
            "description": "Skill",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38616,
                "name": "Sales",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 212159,
        "number": 3,
        "phoneNumber": "21490547",
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Phone Support",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38608,
                "name": "Phone",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15179,
            "number": 2,
            "description": "Skill",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38617,
                "name": "Support",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 283986,
        "number": 4,
        "phoneNumber": "21490547",
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Phone Switchboard",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38608,
                "name": "Phone",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15179,
            "number": 2,
            "description": "Skill",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38618,
                "name": "Switchboard",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 285937,
        "number": 5,
        "lastPhoneNumber": "21490631",
        "phoneNumber": "21490631",
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "E-mail",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38609,
                "name": "Email",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15182,
            "number": 7,
            "description": "Email",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38622,
                "name": "Demomail",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 285973,
        "number": 6,
        "lastPhoneNumber": "21490547",
        "phoneNumber": "21490547",
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Chat",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38611,
                "name": "Chat",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15179,
            "number": 2,
            "description": "Skill",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38616,
                "name": "Sales",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38617,
                "name": "Support",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 286009,
        "number": 7,
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Social Media",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38609,
                "name": "Email",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15181,
            "number": 5,
            "description": "Social Network",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38620,
                "name": "Facebook",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38621,
                "name": "Twitter",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 286045,
        "number": 8,
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "All requests",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38608,
                "name": "Phone",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38609,
                "name": "Email",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38611,
                "name": "Chat",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15179,
            "number": 2,
            "description": "Skill",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38616,
                "name": "Sales",
                "userLevel": 9
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                "name": "Support",
                "userLevel": 9
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                "name": "Switchboard",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15181,
            "number": 5,
            "description": "Social Network",
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            "elements": [
                "id": 38620,
                "name": "Facebook",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38621,
                "name": "Twitter",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15182,
            "number": 7,
            "description": "Email",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38622,
                "name": "Demomail",
                "userLevel": 9
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        "number": 9,
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Pick Requests",
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            "serviceId": 12932,
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                "userLevel": 0
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                "name": "Email",
                "userLevel": 0
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            "description": "Skill",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38616,
                "name": "Sales",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38617,
                "name": "Support",
                "userLevel": 9
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                "name": "Switchboard",
                "userLevel": 9
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            "number": 5,
            "description": "Social Network",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38620,
                "name": "Facebook",
                "userLevel": 9
                "id": 38621,
                "name": "Twitter",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15182,
            "number": 7,
            "description": "Email",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38622,
                "name": "Demomail",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 286117,
        "number": 10,
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Pick Requests Except Chats",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
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            "elements": [
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                "userLevel": 0
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                "name": "Sales",
                "userLevel": 9
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                "name": "Support",
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                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15181,
            "number": 5,
            "description": "Social Network",
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            "elements": [
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                "name": "Facebook",
                "userLevel": 9
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                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15182,
            "number": 7,
            "description": "Email",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
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                "name": "Demomail",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 304202,
        "number": 11,
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Dialer",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 15177,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 38608,
                "name": "Phone",
                "userLevel": 9
            "id": 15179,
            "number": 2,
            "description": "Skill",
            "serviceId": 12932,
            "elements": [
                "id": 44078,
                "name": "Dialer",
                "userLevel": 9
        "id": 346689,
        "number": 12,
        "phoneType": "Phone",
        "name": "Guest Service 10010 Test",
        "groupProfile": true,
        "qualities": [
            "id": 10073,
            "number": 1,
            "description": "Mediatype",
            "serviceId": 10053,
            "elements": [
                "id": 10213,
                "name": "Email",
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            "number": 5,
            "description": "Social Network",
            "serviceId": 10053,
            "elements": [
                "id": 35932,
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                "name": "Twitter",
                "userLevel": 9
    "eMail": "",
    "mobilePhone": "004797592975",
    "id": 150805,
    "groupId": 20989,
    "number": "1337",
    "firstName": "Svein Gunnar",
    "lastName": "Bjørke",
    "userName": "bjosve"
  "code": 0

As we can see the user is "LoggedOn" and "Available". Now we can order the callout itself.


Last updated
