
To configure Office 365 connector, you need to open the ITCOfficeConnectorService.exe config file provided in the installation folder. Look out for the <configuration> </configuration> block in the file which has four config sections as listed below:

  • configSections
  • appSettings
  • userInfo.
  • nlog


You need to insert the below code block in this section, the details of which are explained in the table.

<add key="AADInstance" value="" />
<add key="InteleInstance" value="" />
<add key="PuzzelAuthEndpoint" value="" />
<add key="ClientId" value="d3620793-6e81-4b59-bc20-5bf3ca23b2a9" />
<add key="GraphResource" value="" />
<add key="CertificatePassword" value="certificatePassword"/>
<add key="OfficeUrl" value="" />
<add key="WinLoginUrl" value="" />
<add key="Tenant" value="" />
<add key="GraphVersion" value="v1.0" />
<add key="InitialPaddingInDays" value="0" />
<add key="forcePaddingDays" value="false" />
 <add key="getReadEmails" value="false" />
<add key="PfxCertificateName" value="certificateFileName.pfx" />
<add key="StateFileName" value="ItcOfficeConnectorService_3.json" />
<add key="PollingFrequency" value="10" />
<add key="GetFromAddressFromReplyFirst" value="true" />
Variable Value
AADInstance Url for authenticating Microsoft

Url for Puzzel API

PuzzelAuthEndpoint The url of the authentication endpoint used to get an access token
ClientId Application Id registered with your azure application

URL for MS Graph API
CertificatePassword Password for .pfx certificate used for Azure authentication

Base URL of Office 365 API

URL of Azure AD from where the certificate token is fetched.
Tenant Company domain name in Azure AD. You can find this in the overview page in Azure or by hovering over your username in the top right corner of the screen.
GraphVersion Version of MS Graph API
StateFileName The file that contains information about last effective polling

Defines the number of days into the past, the emails need to be fetched from Office365.  

Note: This only  works for first polling 

forcePaddingDays If set to “True”, all unread emails will be fetched from the number days into the past set in “InitialPaddingInDays” variable, upon restarting the service.
getReadEmails If set to “True” the service will fetch both read and unread mails.
PfxCertificateName Certificate name saved in the Puzzel Office 365 Connector folder.
PollingFrequency Defines the frequency (in seconds) with which the service should poll for new emails. Minimum value is 10 seconds and any value entered less than this will be defaulted to 10 sec.
GetFromAddressFromReplyFirst If set to "True" the e-task field “FromAddress” will be populated with the first email address from “ReplyTo” field of the email.

UserInfo & CustomerInfo Block

   <user customerKey="customerKey" email="" accessPoint="" password="password" domain="" type="0" />
    <customer key="customerKey"  userName="username"  password="userPassword" />

userInfo block contains the Office 365 information as listed below:

  • customerKey:  Customer number to the Puzzel solution
  • email: Office 365 email address
  • accessPoint: Normally same as the email
  • password:
    • If using a personal mailbox, the password is the one set by yourself
    • If using shared mailbox, the password is left blank
  • domain: domain name of the Microsoft exchange server
  • type= 0
Please ensure that the type is set to 0. This will provide a link that allows the email to be opened in Outlook Web App, which is the ONLY method currently supported. For each mailbox you need to create separate userInfo tags with corresponding information

customerInfo block contains the Puzzel information as listed below:

  • Customer Key: Customer number to the Puzzel solution
  • username: username in the Puzzel solution
  • password: password set by the user


Last updated
