Puzzel Office 365 Connector in Azure

The Office 365 connector in Azure with the aid of Azure logic apps, will help you effortlessly automate the mail flow between Microsoft Office 365 and Puzzel mail server. By utilizing the connector functionality and defining the triggers and workflow in the Azure logic app, you can manage the office 365 account in a more systematic way. You could use any event, for example, new email arrival from office 365 account to trigger the workflow defined in the logic apps.


This document describes how to create and configure Azure application for Office 365 to sync your emails into Puzzel. There are four necessary steps to achieve this as listed below:

  • Creating and configuring the Office 365 application in Azure
  • Creating new Client secret value
  • Creating new template and deploying it
  • Enabling the trigger : PuzzelconnectorEmailTriggered


The pre-requisites for configuring the Office 365 connector in Azure are as listed below:

  • An Office 365 account
  • An Azure subscription


Last updated
