Track chatter's browser history

If configured on the company’s chat web pages, the page-location of the chatter can be tracked and displayed in the agent’s chat interface. Pages that the chatter has browsed on before initiating the chat, is shown in the start of the chat dialogue in the agent’s chat interface1. Pages that the chatter browses on during the chat is shown continuously in the agent’s chat interface2-3. The agent can click on the activity-links to be routed to the same page in his or her own browser for better guidance (not to be confused with co-browsing).

The browse activity can alternatively be categorised into different areas on the company’s web sites, in able to filter which areas to show tracking for, in the agents view.

The tracking of the chatters browser history is only accountable per. domain, e.g., according to same origin policy, and tracking history is cached for approximately 2 hours.

If you want to track the chatters browser activity you need to add the following script in your form:

<script src=""></script>

This script contains the necessary store.js (version 1.3.17) and json2.js libraries, and code needed to track the chatters browser activity.

In addition, you need to add page-specific code to define the page tracker information you want to show in the agent’s client.

intelecomtracker.add(window.location.href, "Page Description", "Alt.Area");

For example:

intelecomtracker.add(window.location.href, "The first page", "Product1");

You must also activate this feature in the chat parameters (see separate chapter) on the relevant pages:

useTracker: true, //turn tracking on/off for this site
trackerArea: '', //post only tracks from this area


Last updated
