Chat Parameters

Mandatory parameters

  • customerKey: Your company's customer number on the Puzzel platform.
  • Queue Key [queueKey]: Queue key for the solution or web site’s main chat queue.

Optional parameters

  • Alternative Queue Key [altQueueKey]: Queue key for alternative chat queue to check for available agents and allow overflow between the queues. Only relevant for solutions with more than one chat queue.
  • Time module ID to check for opening hours [timeId]: Time module ID (for a time module) to check for opening hours. Requires that webaccess is enabled for the relevant time module in the admin portal.
    • Time exits for when the chat is open [timeOpenExits]: The time module ID (for a time module) to check for opening hours. The ID is obtained in the admin portal by enabling “webaccess” for the relevant time module.
    • Time ID Map [timeId2Map]: The time module ID [timeId] used for checking opening hours when choosing which queue to go to [timeIdQueueKeyMapping]. If you are using more than one time module, you must use an input field [inputFields] of type select with variable name “timeId2Map”. The menu items will have timeId as Key.
    • Time ID and Queue Key Mapping [timeIdQueueKeyMapping]: Enables you to map a time module exit (open|closed) to a “queue key”. This is useful when you want to route the customer to different queues based on the time of the day e.g. if you want to route to a queue with human agents in daytime, but a queue with chatbots in the evening.
    • Outside opening hours text [msgTimeClosed]: Text shown outside opening hours. Requires Time ID [timeId] to be set. Default text: 'We apologize but our chat service is currently closed'.
  • Start chat immediately [startChatImmediately]: Option to start a chat when a page is loaded without using a default or custom chat button. Default ‘false’ (true|false).
  • visualQueueId: The queue ID (for a display queue) to check for queue status parameters. The ID is obtained in the admin portal by enabling 'webaccess' for the relevant 'display queue'. Checks the given queue and closes chat if no agents are logged on it (given that a customized visual queue expression is not defined). If timeId also is set, visualQueueId is not checked outside opening hours.
    • msgNoAgents: Text shown when no agents are logged on, but chat start-button is shown. Default text: 'We apologize but our chat service is currently closed'.
  • Closed header text [msgClosedHeader]: Text shown in header when 'msgNoAgents' or 'msgTimeClosed' are triggered and chat start-button is shown. Default text: 'Chat is closed'.
  • onContactCenterClosed: Function to run when the contact centre is closed, e.g. to run an external email contact form that the customer can fill in. Syntax: function() { }
  • onChatStart: Function to run when clicking the chat button, e.g. to fetch input variables from the chatter e.g. nickName, chatId, chatIssue or customized variables. Syntax: function() { }
  • onChatWindowShow: Function to run when the chat window is displayed, e.g. to hide a traditional chat button. Syntax: function() { }


  • onChatWindowMinimize: Function to run when the chat window is minimized, e.g. to show a traditional chat button. Syntax: function() { }
  • Enable page tracking [useTracker]: Enable page tracking on the web page. The agent will see tracks for where the customer has been browsing before starting chat, and continuously when browsing on a new page. Default 'true' (true|false).
  • Limit page tracker areas [trackerArea]: Only post page tracking for certain areas in agents view. Requires that 'useTracker' is enabled on the web page. If not specified page tracking for all areas are posted. Default empty (posts tracks for all areas).
  • Maximum number of page tracks posted [trackerMaxTracks]: Number of page tracks initially posted in the agents view when connected to a chat, counting from the latest track and back in time. Requires that 'useTracker' is enabled on the web page.
  • Show start-up form [showForm]: Show the start-up form where customers are prompted to enter name, e-mail address or custom fields at start-up. Default “false” (true|false).
  • Show chat start-button [showStarter]: Displays the default chat start-button. Should be set to “false” if you are using a custom chat button on the web site. Default “true” (true|false).
    • Seconds before chat start-button is shown on page [delayStarterSeconds]: Number og seconds to delay the showing of the chat start-button to make it more appearable. Default '0'.
    • Show chat start-button when chat widget is minimized [showStarterWhenMinimized]: If using a custom chat button, you may want to show the default chat start-button only when minimizing an active chat (not before). This is done by setting the 'showStarter' parameter to 'false' and the 'showStarterWhenMinimized' parameter to true. Default 'true' (true|false).
    • Horizontal start-button position [horizontalStarterPosition]: Horizontally positions the chat start-button in the browser. Default 'right' (left|center|right).
    • Vertical start-button position [verticalStarterPosition]: Horizontally positions the chat start-button in the browser. Default 'middle' (top|middle|bottom).
    • Default class on link that starts chat [chatlink]: Default CSS class for chat button link. Default class is 'chatstarter', but can be another class.
  • Horizontal chat position [horizontalChatPosition]: Horizontally positions the chat window in the browser at start-up. Default 'right' (left|center|right).
  • Vertical chat position [verticalChatPosition]: Vertically positions the chat window in the browser at start-up. Default 'middle' (top|middle|bottom).
  • Allow customer to move/drag the chat window [draggable]: Enables customer to move window with manual drag and drop. Default ‘true’ (true|false).
  • Enable customer to resize chat window [resizable]: Enable the customer to resize the chat window. Default 'true' (true|false).
  • maxinfoMessageLength: Enable you to alter the maximum number of characters in the informational status-messages shown in the header area of the chat window. This is to avoid too long texts to break to the next line. Default 30 characters.
  • nickName: If you know the chatters name e.g. through a login page, you can add it here
  • chatId: If you know the chatters e-mail e.g. through a login page, you can add it here
  • chatIssue: If you know the chat issue/subject e.g. through a login page, you can add it here
  • Chat language [languageCode]: Language setting for chat. Default 'EN' (EN|NO|SE|DK|FI|HU|BL).
  • Show intro-field in conversation [showIntro]: Option to show an intro-field in the beginning of the chat conversation. Content in intro-field is enabled and defined in seperate parameters. Default “false” (true|false).
    • Show number of logged in Agents In Intro-field [showAgentLoggedOnInIntro]: Option to include 'agents logged on' in the intro-field. Requires that 'visualQueueId' and 'showIntro' are enabled. Default “false” (true|false).
    • Show number of active agents in intro-field [showAgentActiveInIntro]: Option to include 'active agents' in the intro-field. Requires that 'visualQueueId' and 'showIntro' are enabled. Default “false” (true|false).
    • Show number in queue in intro-field [showNumberInQueueInIntro]: Option to include 'number in queue' in the intro-field. Requires that 'visualQueueId' and 'showIntro' are enabled. Default “false” (true|false).
    • Show IP-address in intro-field [showIpAddressInIntro]: Option to include the customers public IP-address' in the intro-field. Requires that 'showIntro' is enabled. Default “false” (true|false).
    • Show variables in intro-field [showVariablesInIntro]: Option to include 'variables' in the intro-field. Requires that 'showIntro' is enabled. Default 'true' (true|false).
    • Introduction header text [msgWelcomeHeader]: Introduction header text shown in the intro-field at the beginning of the chat. Requires that intro-field is enabled. Default text: None
    • Introduction text when chat starts [msgWelcome]: Introduction text shown in the intro-field at the beginning of the chat. Requires that intro-field is enabled. Default text: None
    • Text shown when the queue is full [msgWelcomeFull]: Text shown in the intro-field if the 'maximum in queue' parameter has been exceeded, and agent is put in alternative queue (if 'Alternative Queue Key' [altQueueKey] is defined). Requires that the “maximum in queue” parameter is enabled in the administration portal. Default text: None
    • msgWelcomeEmpty: Text shown in the intro-field if all agents are logged out of the main chat queue, and request is put in alternative queue (if 'Alternative Queue Key' [altQueueKey] is defined). Requires that the “Refuse if all logged out” parameter is enabled in the administration portal. Default text: None
    • msgWelcomePause: Text shown in the intro-field if all agents logged on to the main chat queue are in pause, and request is put in alternative queue (if 'Alternative Queue Key' [altQueueKey] is defined). Requires that the “Refuse if all in pause” parameter is enabled in the administration portal. Default text: None
    • Queue reject text [msgReject]: Shown if a chat request was rejected by the chat queues (main or alternative) for some reason. Default text: 'Sorry, we are too busy. Please try again later.'
  • Reverse dialog direction [startTextFromBottom]: As default the chat dialog starts at the top and goes downwards. Optionally, the direction can be reversed and start at the bottom and go upwards. Perhaps a preferred view on mobile devices, however, the property takes effect on all devices. Default ‘false’ (true| false).
  • ‘Offer Options’ header text [msgOptionHeader]: Header text shown in the "Offer Options” menu. Default text: “Please select one:”
  • ‘Offer Options’ header confirmation text [msgOptionHeaderConfirmed]: Header text shown in the "Offer Options” menu after a choice is made. Default text: “You selected:”
  • ‘Offer Options’ confirmation text [msgOptionConfirmed]: Confirmation text shown in the "Offer Options” menu. Default text: “Thank you!”
  • ‘Offer Options’ cancel text [msgOptionCancel]: Text shown in 'Offer Options' for cancelling choice. Default text: 'Cancel'
  • Header text on exit page [msgGoodbyeHeader]: Header text shown on the 'exit page' when the chat conversation has ended.
  • msgGoodbye: Text shown in the "exit window" when the chat session has ended
  • Variables [variables]: If you have variables from your web site that you want to include in a screen-popup or CRM-popup. Syntax: { variable1: value1, variable2: value2 }.
  • Input fields [inputFields]: Custom input fields in the start-up form e.g. to require a customer number. Can also be used to define which queues to choose from in chat start-up form (dropdown list), also in combination with opening hours. See chapter below for examples.
  • Send e-mail automatically [SendEmailAutomatically]: Option to automatically send transcript e-mail to customer after ended chat. Customer is only prompted for e-mail address if not given at start of chat. This parameter is only managed from the admin portal, not as a parameter on web site.
  • Show sent e-mail page [showSendEmail]: Option to allow customers to order a chat transcript at the end of the session. Default “true” (true|false).

  • Subject in e-mail [emailSubject]: The subject in the e-mail e.g. “A copy of your chat conversation”.
  • Displayed sender-name in e-mail [fromEmailDisplayName]: The displayed sender-name in the transcript e-mail, e.g. 'Your Company’s Name'.
  • Text before chat transcipt in e-mail [emailPreText]: Text shown before the chat transcript in e-mail e.g. 'Hello.[br][br]Thank you for … Here is a transcript of our conversation.'.
  • Text after chat transcript in e-mail [emailPostText]: Text shown after the chat transcript in e-mail e.g. 'If you require any further inform… [br][br]Kind regards,[br]Your Company.
  • URL to e-mail logo [emailLogoUrl]: URL for logo used in e-mail body e.g. ''.
  • Link in e-mail logo [emailLogoLink]: URL address when customer clicks on logo in e-mail e.g. ''.
  • Alternative text to logo in e-mail [emailLogoAlt]: Alternative text to display instead of logo in e-mail body e.g. 'Your Company'.
  • E-mail top area background color [emailTopBackgroundColor]: Color code for top area in e-mail body e.g. '#FFFFFF'.
  • E-mail top line color [emailTopLineColor]: Color code for top line in e-mail body e.g. '#555555'.
  • E-mail bottom line color [emailBottomLineColor]: Color code for bottom line in e-mail body e.g. '#555555'.
  • Font-style in e-mail [emailTextStyle]: Font-style for the text in the e-mail body e.g. 'font-size:9.0pt;font-family:\"Calibri\",sans-serif;'.
  • Chat survey [enableSurvey]: Enables chat survey. Default 'false' (true|false).
  • Survey header text [msgSurveyHeader]: Header text shown on the survey page. Default 'One more thing…'
  • Survey question text [msgSurveyQuestion]: Text shown as the question on the survey page. Default 'Please help us improve our service by rating this chat.'
  • Survey minimum score [surveyMinScore]: The minimum score in the survey. This value is usually 1 when rating with stars and 0 when rating with radio buttons and NPS.
  • Survey maximum score [surveyMaxScore]: The maximum score in the survey. This value is usually 5 when rating with stars and 10 when rating with radio buttons and NPS.
  • Survey type [surveyType]: If the survey is based on rating with stars or radio buttons. Default 'star' (star|radio).
  • Only show survey when an agent has been connected [surveyOnlyWhenConnected]: Option to only offer the customer survey if an agent has been connected, and not also those who have ended the chat while waiting in queue. Default “true” (true|false).
  • onChatEnd: Function to run when finishing chat, e.g. to run an external survey after the chat has finished without giving the chatter an option to get the chat dialogue sent on email. Syntax: function() { }
  • onChatWindowClose: Function to run when closing the chat window, e.g. to run an external survey after the chat has finished after the chatter has had the option to et the chat dialogue on mail. Syntax: function() { }
  • Notify customer on new messages [notifyChatterOnNewMessage]: When enabled, a notification appears on the customers screen when an agent sends a message. Default 'true' (true|false).
  • Alternative notification text [msgNotificationText]: Displays an alternative text in the customer's browser notification upon receiving a new message. Default text: New Chat Message…
  • Authentication - Client ID [authClientId]: Authentication - Client ID
  • Authentication - End Point [authEndpoint]: Authentication – End Point
  • Authentication - Mapping [authMapping]: Authentication - Mapping between claims and chat variables, name and id
  • Log to console [log]: Option to log debug information to the browser’s console. This is useful when you need to troubleshoot. Default “false” (true|false).
  • Header text in start-up form [msgFormHeader]: Header text shown in the start-up form.
  • Ingress-text in start-up form [msgFormIngress]: Ingress-text shown in the start-up form.
  • Queue display name when selecting Queue in start-up form [queueLabel]: Display name (label) for queues to choose from in the start-up form. Requires that queue dropdown option [queues] is enabled.
  • Placeholder text when selecting queue/label in input field [queuePlaceholder]: Placeholder text in dropdown field when selecting queue/label in start-up form.


Last updated
