Softphone audio issues

Softphone audio issues

We should inform you that audio issues occur outside the Puzzel environment and we find it necessary that you follow the actions mentioned in this article. If all agents at your company is having issues please go directly to this page for troubleshooting. If there is one, just a few or several agents with issues, please continue reading this article.

We will here explain here what you can do to improve the audio issue before contacting Puzzel Support. There could be numerous things locally that are causing audio issues to occur. Here is a list of things to check and the most frequent causes are mentioned at the top. We encourage you however to go through all the points listed:

  • Power Options set in Windows could affect audio. If charger not connected to your laptop and only for example 20% or 10% battery left the audio source could suddenly change on computer or laptop. Check what is set in Power Options and remove "Put the computer to sleep" and/or "Turn off the display" setting. Allow only screensaver or blank screen after a set time.
  • Charging your headset could affect which audio source you actually are using. When starting to charge the headset the communication device could change in Windows. Check that when you have plugged in a charger cable to your headset that the audio source is still correct.
  • Not logging off properly before changing location. We see this often that if you do not log off in two steps you could experience problems at your new location. The two steps are logging off your profile first and then logging of the application itself. Solution if you have failed to do so: Clear cache and restart computer. Related article regarding logging on/off here.
  • MS Teams is working great for you but not our Softphone. This is because these two programs are using different technology. Our Softphone is web based whilst MS Teams is not. Comparing these two is therefore not relevant.
  • No streaming services should be played at the same time and big transfers of data should be minimized. These can cause a bottleneck in the packet transmission which may result in choppy sound and, in the worst case, audio loss.
  • "The reset problem". It could be that you have a new computer or that your previous settings has been reset completely or that company policy is to delete local cookies daily. Contact your local IT regarding this or at least make sure to check that you are allowing your browser to actually use your microphone/headset. Please note that it is not always you notice that your settings has actually been reset. Make sure the following settings are set to Allow:

    Settings padlock

  • Wi-fi at home or in the office. You may have really good wi-fi but keep in mind that there could be limitations on how many devices that could be connected to this at the same time. If capacity is reached audio issues could occur. Solution: Restart router and check limitations on your router. You may have more devices connected than you think.
  • Type of applications open on computer could have severe affect on audio quality. For example streaming Netflix, Spotify, YouTube or even gaming should be deactivated or kept at an absolute minimum. Solution: Close all programs not used for work and try again. Before contacting Puzzel Support please also deactivate CRM program if you are using it.
  • "Pending Windows Update" scenario. Always make sure to be updated regarding Windows updates as we have seen pending updates affect audio quality. Solution: Please check for updates on computer and execute them.
  • Leaving the room scenario. Not often this could occur but if you still have your wireless headset on and you leave the room you could potentially break connection with your computer. Even if headset range states longer distance. Solution: Turn off and on headset.
  • Connecting using mobile, dongle or router? A dongle is a USB device that has a built-in broadband data allowance that can be used wirelessly, when it is plugged into your computer or tablet's USB port. You can use your phone's mobile data to connect another phone, tablet, or computer to the internet. Routers offer a secure connection, so someone else cannot get online with your service, and this has great security benefits. Dongles on the other hand come as they are, preloaded with data so you can browse the web on the move. Plug it into a USB port and you'll be online in seconds. Operating system e.g. Windows 7 vs Windows 10. The newer the operating system the better.
  • Docking station could be a source for a headset failing or not connecting. We have seen examples where a broken station or a faulty setup can cause silent calls. Check its connection to the laptop and ensure everything is connected accordingly.
  • We have seen cases where a Windows update have not fully updated the audio part. After accepting a call you may experience Connecting status and then straight to Busy status. If this is the case for you, we recommend deleting all headset or audio sources in Windows and try again. Please note that this could also occur if there is local network issues.
  • Hardware e.g. Laptop and Headset. Please make sure your laptop is working and headset is working as it should. Please perform our "Sound quality test" in PAA. If the test fails and you dont hear anything please check your headset and settings on your computer. You will find this test in the Softphone settings available in the Settings tab. You have to be logged off to be able to perform the test. See image:

    Softphone testing audio

  • High CPU in start of calls. If you have the chance please use Task Manager to measure if CPU is reaching critical level. Especially during the start of calls CRM systems have a tendency to "steal" a high amount of CPU.
  • Agents must keep the chrome tabs to a minimum. Too many tabs will not only slow the connection down but also increase the CPU. Only the most important tabs necessary for the job should be up and running.
  • You should also double check that Google Chrome browser is using the correct microphone. Here it could potentially be that you are using the PC microphone instead of your headsets microphone. See image:



Last updated