Agents view

This view gives you an overview of the agents performance. The agent can belong to one or more groups/queues depending on their competence.


Metrics Definition
Logged in time Total time of all the agents in desktop.
Available time  Total time the agent(s) has been available for queue after it was open. Please note that, the agent is still considered available for the queue even when he is in an ongoing dialog. Only when in away-state or when the queue is busy this KPI will not be increased
Engaged time  Total time the agent(s) has been engaged in dialogs     
Dialogs Total number of dialogs the agents have been involved in, including transfers
Dialog time Total dialog time from all agents logged in
Avg. sim. dialog   Average simultaneous dialogs
Avg dialog time Average time for a dialog between the user and a visitor
Cases closed Total number of cases closed
Transfers  Total number transfers to another group
Ass Pur ( same visit)  Total number of purchases associated to a dialog during the same session
Ass Pur ( 6 hours)  Total number of purchases associated with a dialog within 6 hours after ending the dialog


Last updated
