
The dashboard gives you an overview of number of visitors on your website and a measure of agent's engagement with the visitor.

This option is available to all users irrespective of their role within the organisation. For more details on the roles, please read the Roles defined article.

The dashboard is divided into three parts:

  • Metrics bar
  • Centre widgets section
  • Group overview widget

Metrics bar

The top metrics bar will give you an indication of current load for the account. Please note that the data is a combined number from all sites within the account.

Metrics Definition
Visitors on site The number of visitors currently on all websites connected to the account
Visitors waiting for dialog The number of visitors that are in queue waiting to interact with an agent
Active dialogs The number of active interaction happening between the visitor and the agent
Agents in desktop The number of available active agents [this excludes users in away status]


The Metrics bar is updated every 30 seconds and the last updated time point is visible on the top right corner of your screen.

Centre widgets section

The centre of the dashboard contains three widgets,viz,

  • My status [personal information of the user]
  • Agents in desktop
  • Dialogs this month

The first widget displays the personal information of yourself for four time periods : Today, Yesterday, 7 days, and 30 days. It gives you a glance of total number of dialogs you have had with visitors, total number of cases closed, the percentage of cases that were closed with positive outcome, and the average dialog time.

This widget is updated only when the page is reloaded.

The Agents in desktop widget gives you a list of all the agents available at the moment and the number of active dialogs they are having with the visitors.

The Dialogs this month widget gives an overview of the total number of dialogs during the current month.

Groups overview widget

This widget gives you an overview of all the different queues and their current status.

Metrics Definition
Group Name of the queue/group
Online agents in desktop The number of active agents who can work with this queue
Visitors in queue The number of visitors in this queue waiting for a dialog
Active dialogs The number of visitors currently in dialog with an agent
Avg. waiting time The average waiting time for the last 15 mins for each queue
Longest waiting time The maximum wait time for any visitor in the queue


The group overview widget is updated every 30 seconds.


Last updated
