Status Page Subscription - Incident & Maintenance Notifications

Subscribe to our status page to be notified about maintenance on the Puzzel platform and if there are any issues on the service

Puzzel aim to provide a stable and robust service, but from time to time we have issues. These issues can be related to a specific service or a region, and when this happens one of the most important things we do is to inform our customers about it.

Not all issues have the same impact on all customers due to different setup and configuration. Puzzel has therefore made it possible to tailor the individual maintenance and incident notifications per customer/ subscriber.

Incidents also differ in severity, so all serious incident notifications are pushed out on emails, and less severe incidents are only notified on the status page (

Recently, we have also changed the categories that determine the notifications you will receive. We therefore strongly recommend you log into and review your subscription.


How do I get access to Puzzel notifications?

  1. Navigate to and select ‘Subscribe’

  1. Enter your email address and select ‘Subscribe’

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  1. Click ‘Manage Subscription’ or ‘Manage Existing Subscription’, and an email will be sent to you with a link

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  1. Click on the link in your inbox and select the products & services you wish to receive notifications for

When will we notify?

Rest assured – whenever there is a serious incident that has severe service impact on our services, we will update the status pages and push out email notifications. Examples of serious incidents can be voice disruption (calls cannot be delivered) and Puzzel applications not being accessible. These types of incidents are called P1-Highest and P2-High in Puzzel’s SLA. For a full overview of our SLA see here:

On less severe incidents, and incidents that might be caused by events outside Puzzel’s control we will notify you by updating the status pages and provide up to date information as soon as possible.


What do I do if I suspect there is a service impacting incident?

  1. Navigate to
  2. Check if any of your subscribed services has an active incident. If not, please submit a ticket to us via and we will start investigating immediately.
  3. Incident updates will be issued until the incident is resolved.


Puzzel will issue an Incident Report on all incidents categorised as P1-Highest and P2-High within two business days of the incident resolution.

If for any reason you need direct support, feel free to reach out to our Customer Care team.

To raise a ticket please visit or to contact Puzzel support by phone please call:

  • (DK) +45 70 80 70 80
  • (UK) +44 333 300 0066
  • (SE) +46 (0)8 4000 4000
  • (NO) +47 21 89 89 89
  • (FI) +358 942 72 27 00
  • (BG) +359 2 474 4545


Last updated
