Callback in queue: Wait time and Answered or not

What is the “correct” wait time for an incoming call on overview level and queue level?

On an overview level an incoming call’s wait time could be defined as the time from it enters the first queue until the first agent answers. The reason is that any time in menu(s) before entering the first queue is not wait-time since the caller has not chosen what to wait for before having entered a queue. On a queue level, one could say that the wait time before answer is the time the caller spent in the queue before being answered by agent.

Callback in queue makes things more complex. The standard callback solution is that the queue calls the agent first, and then the one that ordered callback. When the agent answers and the call to the one that ordered callback is not answered, Puzzel will try again 1 or 2 more times if configured. See illustrations in chapter Callback in queue (CiQ).

In Puzzel Statistics, the rule is that an incoming call that ordered Callback is answered if the caller and the agent is joined (the call_id needs answered conversation events with ciq=a and ciq=c).

What is the “correct” wait time for an answered callback in queue?

  1. As seen from the caller, one could argue that the wait time for a Callback is the time from entering queue until an agent and the caller is connected (this might happen on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd callback attempt)
  2. As seen from the contact centre, one could argue that the wait time is from entering queue until the first agent answers, even though the one that ordered callback not always answers on the 1st attempt.

The higher the share of callbacks in queue, and the higher the share of callbacks being answered on 2nd or 3rd attempt, the greater the difference between wait time for a and b will be. If all Callbacks are answered on the 1st attempt, the difference in wait time between a and b will be only a few seconds.


Last updated
