Callback Display

This article describes the new addon "Callback Display", which will be launched soon. 

When you offer callback to your callers in a queue (“Press 1 to order callback”), lots of callers might order callback, and these callers might worry if and when they will be called back, and sometimes they solve their own problem while waiting to be called back, but they can’t cancel the callback. 

With the Callback Display, the callers will know that you will call back and when, they can cancel, and in addition, you can give useful information to the caller in the SMS and on the Callback Display page.

If you create one or more Callback Display configs and link such a config to one or more queues, Puzzel will send an SMS to the caller just after the callback is ordered (given that the call was from a mobile), and in this SMS there is information and a link to the Callback Display web-page. When the caller clicks on this link, the web-page opens in the browser on their mobile, and it shows the information text, the caller’s current position in queue and it has a cancel button. 

For Puzzel it might look like this, but you can customize it with your own logo, picture, texts and links: 

The Callback Display webpage is updated every 10th second, so that the caller will see that his position in queue is been reduced as time goes by. 


How to configure

  • On Admin Portal's page Services - Callback Display you create one or more Callback Display configurations (this article)
  • On page Services - Queues, under System Queue Settings, link the relevant Callback Display config(s) to the relevant queue(s).
    If you have access to Services - Callback Display, you will see a column to the right on page Services - Queues, and if you click the edit icon in this column for a Phone queue, you can select the Callback Display you want to use, if any. 


On page Services - Callback Display, click + in the upper right corner to create a new config, or click on an existing config to see and edit details in it.

When you create a new config, please upload a logo file and a picture file, and adjust the texts as you wish, to customize this Callback Display.

 Config nameGive each Callback Display config. a descriptive name so that you recognize it when selecting it for a queue on page Services - Queues.
1Page nameThe name to be shown in the upper right corner of the Callback Display web page for your callers, e.g. "Callback tracker" or "My callback". Max 30 characters. 
2LogoPlease upload the logo file to be shown in the upper left corner of the Callback Display web page for your callers. File type should be .png or .jpg. We recommend a square logo with size 50 x 50 px so that it fits on a mobile phone's small browser screen.  
3PicturePlease upload a picture file to be shown on the bottom part of the Callback Display web page. File type should be .png or .jpg. We recommend a landscape format picture with max width 500 px, since all users will access the web-page by clicking on the link in the SMS they received on their mobile phone.  
4Main text The information text shown on the top of the Callback Display web page. 
Max 500 characters, but try to keep it short so that the callers don't need to scroll on the mobile web-page to see their current position in queue. Example: 
"Sorry to keep you waiting.
If you no longer need us to call you back, please click Cancel.
You can find more info here:" 
5Position in queue E.g. "Your current position in queue is". Max 50 characters. 
6Last updated E.g. "Last updated". Max 50 characters. 
Don't add ":" at the end since it's pre-configured. 
7Callback number E.g. "The number we will call". Max 50 characters.
Don't add ":" at the end since it's pre-configured.
8CancelLabel for the 'Cancel' button. E.g. "Cancel", "Cancel callback" or "Delete callback". Max 30 characters.
9Are you sure you want to cancel?Text in the modal appearing after user clicks 'Cancel'.
E.g. "Are you sure you want to delete your callback?" Max 50 characters
10YesLabel for the 'Yes' button. Max 15 characters.
11NoLabel for the 'No' button. Max 15 characters.
12Cancel headerHeader appearing after cancel callback is confirmed, e.g. "Callback has been cancelled" or "Your callback is deleted". Max 50 characters.
13Cancel body Body text appearing after cancel callback is confirmed, e.g. "If you wish to contact us later, please call xxxxxxxx or visit". Max 200 characters
14Completed messageText shown after the callback call is done, e.g. "This callback has been done". Max 200 characters.  
 SMS From/SenderWhat's shown as Sender/From in the SMS sent to the caller, usually your company's name. 
2-11 characters. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and space.
 SMS Message

The text in the SMS sent to the person ordered callback, e.g.
"Thank's for calling. To see your position in queue or to cancel the callback, click: {{link}}"

Please note that “{{link}}” must be included, and it will be replaced with “” in the SMS sent to the caller. 
(where ‘xxxxxxx’ is this call’s secret/encrypted id). 

If the text is more than ~110 characters, it will result in 2 SMS being sent, but the the caller will see it as 1 SMS. Please note that not all special characters will work.

For customers on the UK platform the URL will include "uk"

When sending the SMS, we use the SMS services ID stored on page Users - Products under SMS.

Where the different parameters are shown on the web-page the caller is seeing after clicking on the link in the SMS:

From left: Main page, Cancel page, Cancelled page and Done page. 

What is shown on the Callback web-page in different states?

  • While waiting in queue for callback: Main page
  • While callback is ongoing: Done page
  • After callback is done (with only 1 try): Done page
  • After 1st (2nd) callback attempt is done without answer and waiting for 2nd (3rd) attempt: Main page
  • After callback is cancelled: Cancelled page
    • If page is refreshed or accessed after the Cancelled page is shown, we show the Done page.
  • If the page is accessed more than 3 days after a callback is done or cancelled/deleted, we show this generic message: 
    "We're sorry, but we couldn't find a callback request associated with your details. Thank you for your understanding!"



Last updated