Solutions view

Solutions refers to various forms of interactions that can be offered to the customer on your website. Examples of solutions include - banner that can offer chat, callback or email service. In this view you will be able to see the number possible solutions presented, where opportunities were located.

It also indicates the number of incidents when solutions weren't presented due to queue being busy. They are termed as suppressed visitors who do not have the solution offered to them when they come across an opportunity due to few agents available or limited opening hours within the organisation.

Metrics Description
Presented to unique visitors   The number of solutions displayed to unique visitors. It represents the percentage of the total possible solutions that could have been presented to these visitors.
Requests Number of queued assistance requests
Dialogs Number of interactions happened with an agent
Suppressed visitors     Number of visitors qualified for the opportunity but no solution was presented because of busy state on solution (limited opening hours or to few agents available)


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