
Table name:  agent_event_types


  • Holds the description for the different event types for an agent event. 
  • Table agent_events holds a foreign key against this table.
Column Name Datatype Description
event_type Char (1)
Primary key.

The code for the type of event. Currently these codes are in use (could be extended in the future):

?      Unknown

a      Available (i.e. logged  in and ready for calls). Note! This event does not appear directly in the agent_event table, but could be part of the result when built-in table value functions are used in queries against agent_event table

c      Conversation (i.e. in phone)

i       Log In (to queue)

o      Log Out (from queue)

p      Entering Pause

r       Return from pause

w            WrapUp. Note! This event does not appear directly in the agent_event table, but could be part of the result when built-in table value functions are used in queries against agent_events table.

descript Varchar (255) Describes the code.


Last updated
