Forced Enquiry Registration

Agents can do Enquiry Registration, but its optional.

If you want to try to force your agents to do Enquiry Registration for each call/request, Forced Enquiry Registration can be configured on page Users - Products under Agent application, for all or selected user groups.

If Enquiry Registration is not done during Wrap-up, the agent is, as usual, set to Ready when wrap-up ends, and then the agent might receive a new call. The pre-defined wrap-up should be quite long so that agents have time to do the registration before being set to Ready and a new call arrives!

If Forced Enquiry Registration is turned on

  • after a call, an agent using can not close the call's request tab if a registration is not done, even if the call's wrap-up has ended!
  • after a chat/email/social request, the agent cannot close the request tab unless a registration is done.


Its also possible to configure that the agent is automatically set to status Ready after an Enquiry Registration is done while in status Wrap-up. With this solution (Agent application property Enquiry Registration - Set ready after is turned ON), the agent does not need to click Ready.

If you start using Forced Enquiry Registration, we recommend you create an Enquiry Registration Topic titled e.g. Consult call or Other so that agents easily can register something after having answered a consult call.


Last updated
