Enquiry registration

If configured, the agent can do an Enquiry registration when he/she answers/has answered a call/request. The agent chooses a Topic (or more) within a Category (or more), and possibly adds a Comment.

For Dialler calls the agent can select

  • action Mark as unanswered OR Reschedule (reserve to me or any) at a reschedule time
  • and/or select Topic(s) in one or more Categories
  • and/or enter a comment.

Since one incoming call can be answered by more than one agent (due to call transfer), there may be more than one Enquiry registration per call_id.

The Enquiry registration records are stored in the tables enqreg_header, enqreg_category and enqreg_topic, and there is also a view called vw_enqreg_total that “links” the information.

If the Enquiry registration is linked to a request (which is the default), the enqreg_header record and the vw_enqreg_total record will contain a related_iq_session_id, which can be used to find the corresponding (internal_iq_session_id in call_events) request ’s speak-time, wrap-up time etc.


Last updated
