Auto Forecast

Creating an auto forecast is a great starting point to forecasting a campaign week.

If you already have a forecast, Auto Forecast is also available from the File menu.

How is the Forecast Generated

The general approach is:

  • The last 12 weeks of data is aggregated on a queue/interval basis.
  • We will not use a week as source data that has a tag, as this is an indication of non-standard historical queue data.

Public Holidays & Non-Standard Contact Patterns

When you expect a day's contact arrival pattern to be different from usual, such as a public holiday, you should add a tag to that day for the relevant queues.

  • When forecasting for a day/queue with a tag, auto forecast will try to use the data from the last 12 days that have the same tag

Reference Data

You will see some weeks displayed as if they are source weeks for the forecast.  They are there to provide some context to the forecast.  You will see:

  • Last 3 complete weeks
  • 3 weeks from around the same time last year


Last updated