Distribution and customer buckets


Each customer card/item is associated with a Distribution, which determines the project to which the customer card belongs. Within a project, the customer card can either be assigned to a specific user or placed in a Customer Bucket (such as a call list or target group). Customer cards in a Customer Bucket are shared among users who are either linked to or granted access to the pool. Additionally, the Distribution defines the permissions for viewing, editing, or updating the content or status of a customer card. In general, a customer card can exist in one of three states: 

  • untouched
  • ongoing: usually busy, callback, callback prio
  • closed (the final state): usually order, booking etc. 

Customers can be restarted via the distribution tool. This moves the customer from state closed to untouched. 

Clicking one of the black numbered buttons displays the corresponding customers in the list. You can then reassign customers to a new distribution by using the Move buttons.


  • First call time: first call time is imported into a field in customer info and means that the customer will get the highest priority when the first call time has passed, before then the record is exempt. After the first call attempt, the customer will get normal priority again. First call time affects customer cards in dialer and customer buckets. 
  • Do not delete items or redistribute items from users' personal pools and Customer buckets while users are working on the material. This can interfere with usage and cause access problems in customer cards.
  • The actual number of processable customer cards may differ from the quantity shown in the distribution. This is because the ongoing items may have been booked for a Callback later, or may be in quarantine/rest time after e.g. No response or Busy.
  • The distribution view is a snapshot and cannot be compared to the statistics reports in Sales Intelligence, which show what users perform over time.
  • When the user processes a customer card in a Customer bucket, it becomes temporarily personal (conflict management). After the user leaves the customer card, the Customer bucket's rules determine whether the customer card should be placed in the Customer bucket or become personal. It can take up to 15 minutes for a processed customer card to return to the Customer bucket.
  • The Prospect Prio Score is imported into a field in the customer info and means that the customer will be given priority according to this score, the higher the score the higher the priority. The priority affects the customer card in dialer, customer bucket and personal unprocessed and ongoing


Click the More-button to use the filter to select customers by status or contact attempts (ct).




Customer buckets

Manage customer buckets in the configuration tool available from project details or the distribution tool above. 


  • Description (can be shown in the customer card by ticking the Script checkbox)
  • Load balance
    • "Equally unprocessed/ongoing" means that users are assigned both new unprocessed items and ongoing ones, such as No response items, Busy, and so on, with an even distribution. This is the default.
    • "Primarily unprocessed" means that users are primarily assigned unprocessed items, but also ongoing items at a rate of less than 25%.
    • "Primarily processed" means that users are primarily assigned ongoing items, but also get unprocessed items at a rate of less than 25%.
    • Note that Callbacks are always prioritized according to when they expire, regardless of this setting.
  • Dialer priority, if using automatic dialer, this is the priority of this bucket
  • Active = Bucket is active for admins and agents
  • Do not match = When importing customers (via excel), do not match customers in this bucket
  • Scheduled = Bucket is available according to a schedule
  • Storage = Not available for agents, just a storage of customer cards
  • Script = Description is visible as a script in the customer card





  • Outcome tab 
    • Set destination for customer cards based on outcome
    • Some standard outcome rules cannot be changed



  • Users tab
    • Select users that should have access to this customer bucket
    • If using Power or Predictive dialer, dialer will call customers from all active buckets for all active project users (agents). If selecting certain users for certain buckets these users will be prioritized when a customer answers the call. 
    • Depending on project dialer settings users (agents) may select a specific customer bucket in their start page OR just have a start button. 

Good to know

  • Users can search for and access customer cards only if those cards are assigned to Customer buckets they have access to, or if the users have previously processed the cards themselves. Administrators, however, can search for and open all customer cards, regardless of their distribution.
  • Search settings can be customized under "Search Settings" in the Users section of the project overview.
  • Customer cards can be prioritized within a customer bucket by using the field prospect prio score in imports. 
  • In some configurations it is possible to link booking resources to customer buckets, by using this feature you are able to limit the available booking resources by customer bucket. 




Last updated