How to start and stop a campaign

When all the campaign configuration is done:

  1. Import a file with contacts to call
  2. Preview the List to verify that numbers and values in other columns are ok
  3. If needed, filter or sort the list (affects what is put into queue and in what order)
  4. Verify General settings and Agent feedback parameters
  5. Start the Campaign by setting Campaign status to Enabled and save
  6. Ask agents to log on with correct profile

We strongly recommend you disable the campaign each evening (if you didn't choose Automatic), since if a Dialler contact stays in queue over midnight and is called the next day, this call will not be shown correctly in statistics.

If you want to remove a contact from the active list, choose Preview list, search for the contact and check 'Disable'. The Dialler will not call a Disabled contact (again).

To see status/progress on the Campaign, you can click Generate report on the Dialler page and choose a Summary report. You can also see traffic so far today and this week per Dialler queue on page Real-time - Ticker Queues.

To stop a campaign, set Campaign status to Disabled and click Save. The contacts (requests) already in queue will automatically be removed from queue within 1 minute.

The Dialler traffic is included in the Statistics reports Total overview, Details per queue (separate queue(s) for Dialler), Details per agent per queue and the Dialler queue report.


Last updated
