These properties affect how queue and agent information is shown. The most important ones are:

  • Allow delete request in queue: Set to ON if the user should have access to delete callbacks and emails in queue , delete and edit Scheduled requests/Scheduled tasks, and delete ongoing requests (for logged off agents) in the Admin Portal.
  • Enable agent to Pick from queue: Set to ON if agent should be able to pick request from queue in the Agent application. 
    • Info about Skill level 0 vs 1-9 here, and the agent applications pick option here.
  • Show agent details' Action column: If ON, the user can log on/off agents from Agent Details (under Queue Overview) in the Admin portal.
  • Show in Agent’s queue overview: xxx:
    If this information should be visible in Queue overview in the Agent application
  • Show in Agent’s agent details: xxx:
    If this information should be visible in Agent details in the Agent application
  • Show in Agent’s queue details: xxx:
    If this information should be visible in Queue details in the Agent application.
  • Show only active queues: If ON, the user will only see queues he/she is logged on to. (If a filter limits what display queues the user will see and Show only active queues is ON, the user will see active queues event if they are not in the filter)
  • Show only relevant queues: If ON, the user will only see queues he/she has skill on. (If a filter limits what display queues the user will see and Show only relevant queues is ON, the user will see relevant queues even if they are not in the filter)
  • Show link to agent details and queue details: If ON, the user can open Queue details and Agent details from the Queue overview in the Admin portal.
  • Show in Queue overview: Scheduled requests: In ON, the 'Scheduled' column in Admin Portal's Queue overview is shown, so that the Scheduled request details view can be opened.


Last updated
