Editing the words used to describe System Evaluation Outcome

To edit the words used to describe System Evaluation Outcome:

  1. Go to SETTINGS 
  2. Click Quality settings 
  3. Click the Evaluation Outcomes tab

If Evaluation Outcome is automatically derived by the system based on the scorecard's pass rate and/or auto-"fail" line items, the default System Evaluation Outcome titles are as follows:

  • "Pass" - If the Evaluation Quality Score is greater than or equal to the Scorecard’s assigned pass-rate and no auto-FAIL line items have been identified during evaluation.
  • "Fail" - If the Evaluation Quality Score is lower than the Scorecard’s assigned pass-rate and/or auto-FAIL line items have been identified during evaluation.
  • "Null" - If an Evaluation Outcome cannot be derived because the Scorecard does not have an assigned pass-rate and no auto-FAIL line items have been identified during evaluation.

However, we recognise that whilst these words are clear and unambiguous, they may be somewhat emotive when used with colleagues, especially the word "Fail" which can invoke a defensive reaction.

Therefore, Puzzel QA provides you with the option to edit the default words to better match your operational culture.

As an alternative to system outcomes being automatically assigned to an evaluation, you may wish to configure a list of Manual Evaluation Outcomes that an evaluator is prompted to choose from at the end of each evaluation.


Last updated