Table name: agent_events
Contains/Role: All the “call centre events”, and also the Conversation events (i.e. events representing the time when the agent is involved in calls)
Column Name | Datatype | Description |
rec_id | Int Primary key. | Internal, auto-numbered. A unique id for each record. |
agent_id | int | A unique number identifying an agent. The table has a foreign key against table agents for this column. |
dte_start | datetime | When the start of the event occurred. |
profile | nvarchar(100) | Name of the profile the agent used at (last) login. |
service_num | varchar(100) | The service number the agent is in context of when logged in. |
phone_num | varchar(100) | The phone number to the agent (specified at last login). |
duration_sec | int | The total duration of the event (in secods). NOTE! So-called “call centre events”, i.e. logging in and out, and moving into or returning from pause, will always have a duration of 0. Though, working against the table through built-in table functions will also return additional duration columns expressing the time the agent stayed in each of the “call centre events”. Though, the Conversation events (type ‘c’) will hold a duration > 0 |
event_type | char(1) | Refers (foreign key) to table agent_event_types. (Log In, Log Out, Pause...) |
event_source | char(1) | Refers (foreign key) to table agent_event_sources. |
result_code | char(2) | A result code telling something about the “outcome” of the event. Refers (foreign key) to table agent_result_codes. |
queue_key | nvarchar(100) | The key (short code) for the queue involved in the event. See table queues for a more descriptive name (NOTE! Use both the queue_key and the service_num as join criteria columns, the key itself is not necessarily unique if the database holds data for more than one customer!) Outer join is recommended, since there might exist keys without extended descriptions. |
pause_type_name | nvarchar(100) | Name of a pause type, only set for events of type ‘p’. |
pause_type_id | int | A numeric id (also) identifying the pause reason. |
call_transfer | bit | Set to 0 or 1 for events of type ‘c’ (conversation), for all other events the value is NULL. If 1, the call has been transferred (to another agent or to just another number) by the agent just before he/she terminated his/her conversation. |
wrap_up_sec | int | Only set for events of type ‘c’, and only if a wrap up time is predefined for the agent. Wrap-up time is the time after a terminated call until the agent is ready for new incoming calls. Value is expressed in seconds. |
block_duration_sec | int | Only used for Conversation events, and only if busy or no-answer is the result for the call. After such a result, the user may be set “passive” for a short period. The duration of such a period will be set here. Value is expressed in seconds. |
internal_adr_id | bigint | For internal use, for “connection” back to Puzzel’s internal system. Only set for “call centre events”. |
internal_odr_id | bigint | Only set for Conversation events. For internal use, and also the column linking the event to it’s “origin” in the call_event table. NOTE! For emails and chats we do not have any internal_odr_id from the “base system”, still a “link” to the corresponding record in table call_events is wanted. To separate this from phone calls (avoid value conflicts), all internal_odr_id values for email and chats conversation will hold negative values – as the corresponding record’s column rec_id in table call_events is multiplied with -1 |
internal_country_ src_db | Varchar(10) | Mostly for internal use. Indicates the country for the database (internally) where the original record is fetched from. International standard for country codes is used (for example ‘NO’ for Norway, ‘SE’ for Sweden, and so on). |
dte_updated | datetime | A timestamp indicating when this agent_event record is stored/last updated in this database. |
phone_type | int | To indicate if it’s a Puzzel Softphone or external phone that is used by the agent. Value 1 or 2. See table ‘phone_types’ for details. (Introduced in version NULL value for older records.) |
usergroup_id | int | See ‘table’ (actually a view) user_groups for description. |