
Table name: enqreg_header

Contains/Role: Three tables (enqreg_header, enqreg_category and enqreg_topic) are related together in order to store the so-called enquiry registration data (see database diagram). This table is the main of these tables, holding one record for each enquiry registration that has been made.

Ref also view vw_enqreg_total.

Column Name Datatype Description


Primary key

Internal, auto-numbered. A unique id for each record.

internal_session_id uniqueidentifier For internal use, for “connection” back to Puzzel’s internal system.
customer_key varchar (100) The customer key (number) for the “owner” of the call.
internal_country_src_db varchar(10) Mostly for internal use. Indicates the country for the database (internally) where the original record is fetched from. International standard for country codes is used (for example ‘NO’ for Norway, ‘SE’ for Sweden, etc).
dte_time_stamp datetime A timestamp indicating when this enquiry registration was completed.
agent_id int Optional. May contain the id for the agent who made this enquiry registration.
queue_key nvarchar(255) Optional. May contain the queue for which this enquiry registration should be related to.
comment nvarchar(MAX) Optional. Will contain the comment the agent entered (if any).
reschedule_time datetimeoffset The time entered for the rescheduled (Dialler) call
enquiry_media_type nvarchar(255) A text indicating on which type of media the enquiry registration was related to. Contains one of the following values; “Undefined”, “Call”, “Chat”, “EMail” and “SocialNetworks”
related_iq_session_id uniqueidentifier Optional. May contain a unique internal_iq_session_id for a call/request (the call may consist of more than one session) for which this enquiry registration should be related to.
dte_updated datetime A timestamp indicating when this record is stored/last updated in this database.
marked_unansw varchar(255) true if the Dialler agent selected Marked as unanswered, otherwise NULL.
See General Dialler information
reserved varchar(255) true if the agent that rescheduled the Dialler call selected “To myself”, otherwise NULL.
See General Dialler information


Last updated
