News and announcements

The News section shows a menu with two options:

  1. News Articles: like regular articles that can be searched
  2. Announcements: this is an article but not part of a set that is searchable. It is created to accommodate ad hoc information that needs to be communicated to agents quickly. The most recent announcement will always appear as a banner on the Agent Application.


To create an announcement from the Admin Portal, you will need to:

  1. Access the Knowledgeable Management System
  2. Select News from the top menu
  3. Choose Announcements form the menu to the left
  4. Click on the “Add Announcement” button to the right of the screen

The Editor allows you to:

  1. Edit text
  2. Select the Type of announcement
  3. Choose. Publish date
  4. Check the visibility checkbox
  5. Choose the Language for your announcement
Please note that language you choose for the announcement will determine the agents that the announcements are shown to. For example, Danish announcements will only be shown to users with Danish as their primary Agent Application language.

After you have made your edits, click on Save to process the announcement, or Cancel to reject your changes.

The latest announcement that has been saved will always appear as a banner on the Agent Application. Agents can choose to close the announcement and view all announcements from the relevant section in the knowledgebase.
Announcements are not searchable.


To create a news article from the Admin Portal, you will need to:

  1.  Access the Knowledgeable Management System
  2. Select News from the top menu
  3. Click on the “Add News Article” button to the right of the screen
  4. The standard article editor will appear and you can customise the news article accordingly.
News articles are searchable and can be sorted from the Agent Application.



Last updated
