
Table name: call_relations

Contains/Role: Two separate requests (calls/emails/chats) might be related to each other, given correct setup of the service. This table holds such information. Please note that a record for a Scheduled task relation may be updated hours after the initial creation

Column Name Datatype Description


Primary key.

Internal, auto-numbered. A unique id for each record.
call_id Numeric(19,0) The call_id for request #2, i.e. the request that comes with the relation information.
related_call_id Numeric(19,0) The call_id for request #1, i.e. the request that request #2 relates to.
internal_session_id uniqueidentifier Internal. The session_id used by ‘back-end’ for request #2
related_session_id uniqueidentifier The session_id for request #1. (added in v1.7)
dte_updated  datetime   A timestamp indicating when this record was last updated. (added in v1.7)


Last updated
