
Table name: call_result_codes


  • Holds the description for the different possible result codes (i.e. the “outcome”) of a call event.
  • Table call_events holds a foreign key against this table.

  Some more info to be found here.

Column Name Datatype Description
result_code Char (2)
Primary key.

Currently these result codes are in use:

? Unknown
a Interrupt in queue (media type phone, event_type='q')
b Two meanings:
1) For event type 'q': FallBack exit used.
2) For event type 'c': Busy
c Two meanings:
1) For event type 'q': Admin removed call from queue (Cancel).
2) For event type 'c': Timeout in setup phase.
d Two meanings:
1) For event type ‘m’: Default exit used
2) For event type ‘q’: Deleted (request was deleted from queue)
e Error
f The queue was full (event type = 'q')
h Hang-up - the call was terminated by caller before the event was completed (event type 'c', 'm' and 'q')
k Ok

Two meanings:
1) For event type 'm' (for media type phone): Max tries exceeded
2) For event type 'q' (for media type email): Moved (to another queue)

n No match for the DTMF used (event type 'm' only)
q Two meanings:
1) For event type 'q': Call-back is ordered.
2) For event type 'c': Caller hang-up while call to agent was in set-up phase
s The queue was closed (event_type 'q')
t Timeout (event type 'c', 'q' and 'm'). For event type 'c' this means "no answer".
descript Varchar (255) Describes the code.


Last updated
