Historical information must be imported alongside date and time, in 15-minute intervals.

Up to one year can be imported.

Data can be imported in one of two ways (see example below):

  • Time and Date separated
  • Time and Date combined

Only one of these can be used.

The file must be a text file (for an example email: support@u-wfm.com).

  1. Click on ‘Forecasting’ in the top menu, then ‘Import Call Logs’ in the left menu.
  2. Choose the campaign from the dropdown list.
  3. Choose Yes or No (default = no) to state if the data is in a different time zone to the campaign.
  4. If you are only importing one queue, choose it from the dropdown list, if you are importing multiple queues in to a single campaign, lease as ‘Defined in File’.
  5. Click on ‘Choose File’ Navigate to the file to be uploaded and click ‘Open’.
  6. Choose the delimiter, in this case as from excel the delimiter is Tab.  Click on ‘Try Settings’.
  7. If the file is setup correctly, an example will be shown.
  8. Click ‘My columns are correct’.
  9. Then choose if the uploaded file has combined or separate Date and Time fields.
  10. Choose the correct headings from the dropdown boxes and ensure the correct date and time format is selected.  See the below example.
  11. Click ‘Attempt Import’.
  12. If successful, the message ‘Import Success’ will be displayed.


Last updated
