Customisation settings for saving time in the Switchboard tab

Admins can enable the settings from: Admin Application -> Users -> Products -> Agent Application

  1. Clear search result when call is finished On / Off
  2. Clear search result when call is transferred On / Off
  3. Clear search term when call is finished On / Off
  4. Focus on Search Input when a call is accepted On / Off

Agents can select their preferences from: Agent Application -> Settings- > General -> Search

  1. Clear the search result when a call is finished On / Off
  2. Clear the search term when a call is finished On / Off
  3. Clear the search result when a call is transferred On / Off
  4. Focus on Search Input when a call is accepted On / Off

Agents can now customise their Search user experience to save clicks and time on frequently occurring actions. This means that agents who have to perform many searches frequently can now benefit from:

'Focus on Search Input when the call is accepted ' - When enabled, this setting configures the Agent Application to automatically activate the Search input when an  Agent accepts a call. This saves time and clicks and allows the Agent to directly proceed to typing their desired search term.

'Clear Search Term or Result when a call is finished or transferred - When enabled, this setting configures the Agent Application to automatically clear the Search term and/or result when the conversation ends for the Agent. This saves time and clicks and allows the Agent to directly proceed to typing their desired search term.


Last updated