Adding activities using the Activity Calendar

Activity Calendar

The activity calendar can be used to quickly see specific agent activities on any day.

  1. Click ‘Schedule’ in the top menu, then ‘Activity Calendar’ in the left menu.
  2. Choose the relevant campaign from the dropdown list.
  3. Choose the calendar day that is to be viewed.

See the example below.

4. Click on the back arrow next to the date at the top to return to the calendar view.

New Activities 

New activities can be added in bulk, by choosing individual agents, whole teams or a mix of the two. 

This is not campaign specific.

  1. Click on ‘Schedule’ in the top menu, then ‘New Activity’ in the left menu.
  2. Choose the date when the activity will be taking place and the type of activity from the dropdown list.
  3. Choose if it is to be recorded as a separate activity for each agent, or a block booking for all agents assigned (E.g. Team Meeting).
  4. Enter the start time and the duration of the activity.
  5. Choose the individual agents and/or the teams that the activity is applicable to.
  6. Click ‘Assign Activities’.


Last updated
