Managing your surveys

The Survey List View is your go-to place for an overview of all the surveys you have created, relevant information as well as quick access to key actions. 

To navigate to the Survey List View: 

  • Go to the Admin Portal main menu  

  • Click on Insight 

  • Select Survey Management 

The screen that appears is the Survey tab, showing a list of surveys with relevant information, listed in the following columns: 

Survey Name Type Status Last Modified (DD/MM/YYYY) Modified by  Actions


Each of the columns is clickable, so you can sort the list by any of the above criteria. 

The survey type is one of the following depending on the template from which it was built, for example: CSAT, NPS, CES, PMF or Custom.

The survey status can either be "Active" or "Draft", depending on whether it's launched or not.

Please note, users can edit the survey once it is in draft but will not be able to after it has been activated (even if it’s status changes to Draft again).

To access the Archived surveys, you can use the "Show archived" slider on the top right side of the screen.

The Actions column includes buttons that allow you to take the following actions on the survey:

Edit Open the Survey Designer 
Insights Access the survey's analytics and reports
Copy Duplicate the survey to create a new, editable version of a survey 
Archive Remove surveys from the List View and add them to the Archived section
Copy ID Copy the URL of the survey to paste it where needed (this action is only applicable to active surveys)


Video Tutorial

Watch our video tutorial on how to manage your surveys below: 



Last updated