Main menu Archive has 4 sub-items/pages:
Page Name | Description |
Search | This is the actual Media Archive, where you can find information about single calls (and recordings and possibly transcriptions) chats (and chat logs), emails (including tasks and Scheduled tasks) and Social media requests (and link to Social media content). |
Anonymize | Here you can enter the phone number and email address for a person who requires to be forgotten, if you want Puzzel to delete this person's phone number/email address in calls/chats/emails in the Archive. |
Audit log | Here you can find one record for each time a user listened to/download/deleted a call recording or opened/downloaded/deleted a chat log or opened a Social media Content tab. |
External access | On this page you can configure how the External Playback page looks and see a log of who sent what links to external recipients (Send secure link to external user will be launched as an add-on Sept/Oct 2024) |