If an agent (employee) leaves your company and you for some reason want or need to remove this agents name from Puzzel historical agent statistics and from the Puzzel Archive, this can be done.

Find this agent on page Users - Users in the Admin portal and click on his name to open the Edit user page. Here you must change this agent's firstname and lastname to something that can not be associated with this person, e.g. John Doe, and then save.

When this is done, this user's name is updated to the new name in the agent tables both in Statistics and Archive the following night.

  • If someone from now on generates a historical statistics report on agent level, the calls answered by the agent you changed name on will show the new agent name (e.g. John Doe).
    • Under Customize, in the agent list, you will find the new agent name but not the old.
  • If someone finds a call in the Archive that was answered by the agent you renamed, the agent name will be the new one (e.g. John Doe).
    • In the Agent list box under Search, you will find the new agent name but not the old.

If you want, you can also and delete this agent user (on page Users - Users) after you have changed his/her name. If you do not delete the Puzzel user (for a former employee), you should delete the user's email address/mobile number and change the password so that the former employee can't reset his/her password and sign in to Puzzel.


Last updated