Pre-requisites - Verify access to Chat (New)


Please verify that Puzzel has enabled access to the new chat for you as a customer.

 In the Puzzel Admin Portal under Services you will have a menu item called Chat (new).  

Following is the description of two different ways to test and configure Puzzel Contact Centre Chat. Instruction 1 contains instructions to test on Puzzels demo page which is the quickest way and instruction 2 is the same instruction set, including  instructions how to test on your own website.  

  1.  Test Chat (New) on Puzzel demo page

The fastest way to test Chat (New) is to create a Configuration, an Interaction, a rule and Sitemapping. Then test this on Puzzels demo page. 

  1. First, create a configuration in Puzzel Admin (Services / Chat (New))    

2. Give the configuration a “Name” and “Description”. 

3. Click Save. 

4. Click “Edit Configuration”

5. Click “Add Interaction”. 

6. Click “Information panel”. 

7. Click “Add”-button. 


8. Click “Rules”

9. Click “Add Rule”

10. Give the rule a “Name” and “Description”. 

11. In text field “Value” add the exact URL to Puzzels demo page:
Replace xxxxxx with your customer key. 

12. Click tab “Step 2: Outcome”

13. In the dropdown “Interaction” choose the Information panel created in step 4.

14. Click Save

15. Click “ <- Configuration”

16. Click button “Publish”

17. Click “Site Mapping”

18. Click “+ Add mapping”

19. Give the mapping a Name paste the exact URL to Puzzel demo page  to your test web site in text field “URL Pattern”.
Replace xxxxxx with your customer key. 
In drop down “Config” choose the Configuration created in step 1

20. Click Save

21. Go to

Replace xxxxxx with your customer key.

2. Test web engage on a customer’s website

The customer needs a test website, a way to add a code snippet to that website and the URL to that website accessible.

1. Create a configuration in Puzzel Admin (Services / Web Engage) 

2. Give the configuration a “Name” and “Description”. 

3. Click Save.

4. Click “Edit Configuration”

5. Click “Add Interaction”. 

6. Click “Information panel”. 

7. Click “Add”-button. 

8. Click “Rules”

9. Click “Add Rule”

10. Give the rule a “Name” and “Description”. 

11. In text field “Value” add the exact URL to your test web site

12. Click tab “Step 2: Outcome”

13. In dropdown “Interaction” choose the Information panel created in step 4. 

14. Click Save

15. Click “ <- Configuration”

16. Click button “Publish”

17. Click “Site Mapping”

18. Click “+ Add mapping”

19. Give the mapping a Name paste the exact URL to your test web site in text field “URL Pattern”. In drop down “Config” choose the Configuration created in step 1

20. Click Save

21. Copy “Code snippet” 

22. Paste in source file for the test web page. 

23. Go to URL for your test web site.


Last updated