Archive Search
On page Archive - Search (the Archive), you can find information about calls (and recordings and possibly transcriptions), chats, emails (including e-tasks and scheduled tasks) and Social media requests processed in Puzzel, and Enquiry registrations done by agents linked to these requests. In addition, SMS Survey and Chat Survey results can be shown. The actual email text/body and attachment is not available in the Puzzel Archive.
General information about a request will usually be available in the Archive within 5 minutes after the request ended (caller hung up or last agent closed the written request tab), but it usually takes a bit longer before call recording files and chat logs appear. The Enquiry registration information might appear much later since the agent can do such a registration a long time after the call/chat ended. A Survey score/comment might also appear a long time after the call/chat ended since the end-customer might not answer the Survey right away.
Please note that a call/chat usually ends 3-30 minutes after the presented Start time in the result list, and an email's/task's duration might be hours or days. For requests with media type Email and Social we first present an 'arrival' record, and later when the request has ended we present the queue and conversation event(s).
The queue name shown is the System queue name.
Search based on Request's Start or Request's Finish
As default, when you search for calls/chats/emails/Social, requests with Start in the selected time period are returned (given that they have ended and data is imported to Archive). For calls, the duration is usually not very long (menu, queue and conversation events), but emails might have a very long duration. From an email (or task) arrives in queue until it’s sent to agent and agent closes the email request tab, it may take several days. If you want to search for a call, chat or email/task you know when ended but not when started (arrived in queue), you should tick 'Based on Request’s Finish' instead of Start before you click Search.
Search and show result vs Search and download
- If you want to study one or more of the calls/chats etc. in the search result in the Archive and possibly listen to a call recording or read a chat log, then click Search and show result.
- If you want to download a simplified version of the General information (aka metadata) for the requests in the search result as a xlsx file, then click Search and download. More info here.
Resource filters (access control)
Please note that if you have a resource filter containing user groups and/or system queues assigned and this is configured to be used in the Archive, the search results you get will be influenced (limited) by this.
If a resource filter containing system queues is applied, agent-to-agent calls will not show in Archive since these calls are not linked to a system queue.
Storage time
To see what is included in your Archive and how long General information about requests, call recordings and chat-logs and Social media content are stored, click on Storage time.
The basic storage parameters are:
- Days to store general information about requests: Default 365
- Days to store call recording files: Default 30
- Days to store recording transcripts: Default 30
- Days to store chat content: Default 30
- Days to store Social media content: Default 30
Please contact Puzzel support if you want to change storage time. Different Extended storage time packages are available.
If the storage time for General information is longer than storage time for the content (call recordings/chat logs/SoMe content), you will find "old" calls/chats/SoMe requests without such content. Each night Puzzel deletes General info about requests and content that are older than the defined storage time.
If you must store call recordings from different system queues for different number of days, this is possible to configure. There are two options:
- A (long) Days to store call recording (e.g. 90 days) and a shorter storage time for some selected queues
- This is the most flexible solution. With this option we can define that recordings on queue x be stored for 30 days and recordings on queue y be stored for 60 days, while queues not listed use the (default) Days to store value (e.g. 90 days)
- Only a few selected queues with a (very) long storage time for recordings, and most queues with a shorter storage time for recordings.
- With this option we can list the few queues that should use the long default store time for recordings (e.g. 360) and specify one shorter storage time (e.g. 90 days) to be used for all queues not listed.