Sales Intelligence calls in Archive
A Puzzel Sales Intelligence (PSI) solution can be configured to deliver call metadata and mp3 recording files to a Puzzel Contact Center customer key’s Archive. If done, and the relevant Archive's subscription is configured to include PSI calls, the calls and recordings will appear in the Archive.
If configured, all answered PSI calls will be delivered to Archive (recorded or not), but unanswered PSI calls will not be delivered to Archive. A PSI call recording with Consent = false will not be uploaded to Archive. PSI recordings are in mono, not in Stereo.
Archive search information
- PSI calls will be available as Type All calls/Recorded calls.
- Caller’s number in Archive will be an outbound call's destination number and an inbound call's caller's number.
- Access point = PSI project/campaign
- Agent name is the PSI agent's name (If a person answers both PSI calls and PCC calls, his name will appear twice in the Agent name list box in Archive)
- Queue
- Inbound PSI calls will have a Queue event (usually with queue name equal to the PSI project/campaign (=Access point).
- Outbound PSI calls will not have a Queue event, only a Conversation event.
In the search result list, we will show a PSI flag for PSI calls, so that it's easy to identify PSI calls among the PCC calls. You can also click on the column header for PSI to sort the result list.
Details for a PSI call
- In the General information tab for a PSI call, the chart will only contain a conversation event for outbound calls, and queue event and conversation event(s) for inbound calls.
- The Event list tab will contain the relevant events shown in the chart.
- A PSI call will contain a Recording tab if the call is recorded.
- The Variables tab for a PSI call will contain these variables:
- PSI_AgentNumber
- For Outbound, it's the Calling party number/A-number used for this call
- For Inbound, it's the number called/the destination number (This could be a personal inbound number).
- PSI_AgentNumber
All standard Archive functionality will be available for PSI (recorded) calls:
- Advanced Player with tagging option
- Download
- Delete
- Audit logging (who listened/downloaded/deleted what and when)
- Require reason for Play/download/delete
- Set (remove) sensitive flag
- Send link to external users
- Send link internal users
Access control
On page Users - Products under Recording, the property Sales Intelligence - access to recordings (with default OFF) controls if an Archive user has access to PSI calls or not.
The resource filters relevant for Archive are for PCC System queues and PCC User groups (agents), so PSI queues and PSI usergroups/agents can not be added to these resource filters.
A user with a resource filter containing PCC queues and/or PCC user groups today gets access ONLY to calls/recordings on the specified queues and user groups/agents, and in addition PSI calls and recordings if Sales Intelligence - access to recordings is ON.
If a user should have access only to PSI calls in Archive, then this user should have a resource filter for User groups containing 1 usergroup that has no agent's with calls, and property Sales Intelligence - access to recordings set to ON.
(In Archive there is no difference between a user without a User group resource filter and a user with a resource filter containing no user groups.)
Storage time
- General info for PSI calls will be stored as defined in Days to store General information in the Archive subscription.
- PSI call recordings will be stored as long as defined in Days to store call recording files in the Archive subscription