• Time intervals/Limit to dates: Define at least one time period and optionally From and To dates for the campaign. Only rescheduled contacts will be put into queue outside the defined time period(s). If you define more than one time period, they can't be overlapping. If Max. number of calls per contact is >1 and you have defined 2 or more periods, the Dialler will call contacts in the first period, and the contacts that did not answer will usually be called in the next period.
    Example: With Period 1 set to 09:00-15:59 and Period 2 set to 16:00-20:59, and Max. number of calls per contact set to 3, the first call to a contact will be done in Period 1, and the contacts that (were not called or) did not answer in Period 1 will usually be called in Period 2, and the contacts that (were not called or) did not answer in Period 2 will usually be called in Period 1 the next day.
  • Enable rescheduled calls "to myself" when campaign is disabled: If an agent orders rescheduling "to myself", and the campaign is disabled at the rescheduled time, the call will be done only if this option is checked and the agent becomes ready at or max "Minutes reserved to this agent" minutes later.
  • Max number of calls per contact: If a call to a contact results in busy or no answer, the Dialler will call the contact again later (in the next Period if more than 1 Period is defined), unless this was the last call attempt. If the contact (or the contact's voicemail) answers, the Dialler will not call the contact again, unless the agent selects "Mark as unanswered" or orders Rescheduling.
    If Predictive mode is used and a call to a contact results in a silent call, the Dialler will not call this contact again, unless “Silent call callback” is activated.
    Please note that if you change value for Max number of calls per contact, this affects the contacts already in the list. If you e.g. increase from 3 to 4, the Dialler will call contacts that already have been called 3 times without answer one more time.
  • Min. minutes between retries: If a call to a contact in the list results in error, busy or no answer, the Dialler will call this contact again (if more tries remain), but there must be at least x minutes until the next call. (Max 2880, which is 2 days.)
  • Max. number of contacts in queue: The list may contain lots of contacts to call. Each minute new contacts are put into queue from the list so that the number of contacts in queue is as many as defined. For a queue with Preview mode, you should use a value 2-3 times greater than the max number of agents logged on. For a Predictive mode queue, we recommend a value at least 4 times greater than the max number of agents logged on.
  • Dialler mode:
    • Preview (call agent first)
    • Progressive (call contact first)
    • Power (call contact first)
    • Predictive (call contact first)
      • Please note that the "call contact first" modes require Puzzel Softphone (or an external phone that gives immediate auto-answer) to avoid lots of silent calls.

When Progressive/Power/Predictive (call contact first) mode is selected, more parameters appear:

  • Max ringing time: How long the Dialler should wait for an answer for an outgoing call to a contact, before hanging up (this parameter is only for the call contact first modes). Recommend value 19-29 seconds. (Forwarding to voicemail typically happens after 30 seconds). Minimum 10 sec, maximum 120 sec.
  • Target Silent call rate (for Power and Predictive): Default is 3.0% (allowed range 0-10%). Silent call rate = number of silent calls / (number of silent calls + number of answered calls). Please note that this is a much "stricter" definition than Silent calls / Total calls. With Power/Predictive mode, the Dialler will overdial to try to minimise the agents idle time between finishing a call wrap-up and receiving a new answered call, while trying to keep the Silent call rate just below the defined target.
  • Abandon if no agent allocated within sec: How long the Dialler should wait for a Ready agent to be allocated after the contact answered, before Puzzel should (play an announcement and) disconnect the call. Default and recommended value is 3.0 seconds. If contact is disconnected, this is categorised as a "silent call". If the contact hangs up before an agent is allocated (or before agent answers), this is also a 'silent call'. If you want an announcement to be played for the contact when Puzzel disconnects, please ask Puzzel to configure this.
  • Disconnect if no answer from allocated agent within sec: How long the Dialler should wait for an answer from the allocated agent's phone before (playing a silent call announcement and) disconnecting the contact. Default value is 2 seconds. (Minimum 2, maximum 5 seconds). Usually it takes ~1 second from agent is allocated till answer is received from Puzzel Softphone. This timer is needed e.g. if an agent logs on with an external phone without auto-answer or if an agent is ready and his browser running Puzzel is unreachable.
  • Silent call callback: Default behaviour is that after a silent call, the contact is not called again. If you check this option, Puzzel will as soon as possible after a silent call happened call the contact again, but this time the Dialler will call an agent first. If this silent call callback to the contact is not answered, the Dialler will not call the contact again.
  • Screen-pop to agent for silent call callbacks: If you turn on "silent call callback", the agent that receives the call will receive the text defined here, e.g. "Contact experienced a silent call" in the screen-pop variable reschedule_comment.
  • Calls per Ready agent (Power mode only): Number of contacts to call per ready agent. Typical value is 1.6, and the value must be between 1.0 and 3.0 (1.0 means no overdial). The calculated value for calls to be done (agents ready * Calls per ready agent) is rounded down.
    Example: With Calls per ready agent = 1.7 and 1 agent ready, 1 contact is called. With 2 agents ready, (2*1.7=3.4 ->) 3 contacts are called.
    If Calls per agent in Wrap-up is >0, the calculated value for calls for ready agents and calls for agents in wrap-up is summarized before being rounded down.
  • Calls per agent in Wrap-up (Power mode only): Number of contacts to call per agent in Wrap-up. Default=0 (which means no overdial due to agents in wrap-up). The value must be between 0 and 0.5. If set to e.g. 0.3 and 2 agents are now in wrap-up, the calculated value is 0.6. We recommend 0 unless you have many agents and a short avg. wrap-up time.
    Example: Calls per ready agent = 1.7 and Calls per agent in wrap-up=0.3.
    With e.g. 1 agent ready and 3 agents in wrap-up, the result is (1*1.7 + 3*0.3 = 3.4 + 0.9 = 4.3 ->) 4 contacts are called


Last updated
