The Queue details page shows one row per request in the selected display queue.

For a phone queue it may look like this:

For an email/task queue it may look like this:

This page is updated automatically and contains the following data:

  • Number/from: Phone number/e-mail address / chatter's ID
  • Description: A request in queue can have a description, and if it has, it's shown here.
  • Type: A request in queue can have a category (e.g. a name or a colour), and if it has, it's shown here.
  • SLA Score: Shows how long the request has waited in this queue relative to the queue's defined SLA.
  • Time in queue: How long time the request has been in queue
  • VIP: If a caller is categorised as a VIP
  • Call-back:
    • "-" = Normal request
    • Value 1, 2, 3: Call-back waiting for the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd call attempt
  • Scheduled time: The scheduled time for the call/task, if any.
  • Reserved/preferred Agent: If the call/e-mail/chat has a reserved/preferred agent


A user with the Queue property 'Allow delete request in queue' turned ON will see the columns Preview and Select.

If you click on the Preview link for a request with media type email, you will see the request's From, To, Subject and Sent time, and if you click on Preview for a Scheduled task, you will see all the task's details entered except the Description. 

If you select a phone callback/email/social media request in queue, you can delete it. If you delete a request, it will be shown in the Change log. Max. 100 requests can be deleted from queue at the same time.

If you select a request with media type Email (email or a task), the Change agent button is enabled. If you click Change agent, the Change reserved agent window is shown:


Here you can:

  • remove the request's existing reserved agent
  • change the request's existing reserved agent
  • add a reserved agent to a request

If you change/add a new reserved agent to a request, this will be shown in the Change log, and the request will get the reserved time that's pre-defined for this agent in the Agent application property Scheduled task reserved time in minutes.


Last updated
