Some important properties under Users - Products - Call are:

  • Callout accessnumber (where config is fetched): The accessnumber where the VoiceApp (Konge) configuration for outgoing call is assigned. Don't change it unless you're sure. If wrong, outbound calls will fail! Only digits, no spaces or other characters.
  • Callout accessnumber country code: The country code for the callout accessnumber. Don’t change it unless you’re sure. The country code (UK/NO/DK/SE/FI) must match the access number!
  • Callout queue key: The queue_key for the queue that outbound calls will be put in. Don't change it unless you're sure. If wrong, outbound calls will fail!
  • Offer call to agent sec: When the queue calls the agent (on behalf of a caller), how many seconds should it ring on the agents phone before the queue aborts and looks for a new agent. Default 30 seconds.
  • Outgoing call display number (CLI shown to destination): Number displayed as CLI (Calling Line Identity) to the called party when agent makes outbound call. If an outgoing call display number list is defined, and agent has selected a number from the list, the selected number will be stored here. If nothing is defined (and agent has not selected a number from the defined number list),the number the agent logged on with will be used.
  • Outgoing call Display number list: A semicolon-separated list of numbers the agent can choose from. The selected number is shown for the called party when the agent makes an outgoing call. If you want "Logon number" to appear in the list, please add the variable "$system_last_called". You can add a description for each number in the list. The syntax for this is: number|description;number|description. If the agent has selected a number from the list, the selected number will be stored in the property 'Outgoing call Display number'. Please note that you may only use your own phone numbers!
  • Originating number shown to agent: Default empty. If a number is defined, this number is shown as ‘calling party number’ (instead of the caller’s number) for calls from Puzzel platform to the agent. Only digits, no spaces or other characters.
  • Preview Dialler agent ringtime: If you want another max ring time for calls offered from Preview Dialler queues to agents than what's defined in property Offer call to agent sec, then specify it here. Default is empty (=not defined), max is 600 sec. Please note that if you want to have a value greater than 120 sec, you need to contact Puzzel support so that we can increase the value for 'Garbage timeout alerting status' accordingly.  


For most customer solutions, there is only one queue and one access number for outbound calls, aka 'callout'. Don’t change property values related to callout unless you’re sure how it works. If you need to change a property value, please try it on a single user first to test that it works as expected, and only if test is successful, do the change on User group level or Company level. If in doubt, consult Puzzel.


Last updated
